[Apologies for the cross-post]
Hey all,
After a short delay while I sorted out a Wikimedia Labs account, I am pleased to announce that version 2.0 of the TranslateSvg extension is officially available for testing [1].
TranslateSvg enables the easy translation of virtually any (currently 93.1%, but increasing all the time) SVG image containing text, with the result embedded into the SVG file so that graphical updates instantly propagate to all language versions [2].
Available for testing are three images to give you a feel for the interface. There's likely to be one future change - the introduction of an extra dialog box - but it's 99% feature complete. Well, until *you* tell me what's wrong with it :)
So what are you waiting for? Find ten minutes and get yourself to http://translatesvg.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page .
Many thanks, Harry
-- Harry Burt Google Summer of Code student
[1] http://translatesvg.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page [2] http://www.harryburt.co.uk/blog/2012/07/20/translatesvg-whats-it-for/
I tried it , and here some experiences
1. In begin there is box with title "First time translating SVG file this way?" You can get rid of the box only by the X in upper right corner. It should have big button where you could also click, since it's not very user friendly to need click the small X.
2. Coordinates won't fit in the fields.
3. Underline checkbox is not in the same row with the text "Underline".
4. Saving shortcut should be easier - maybe ALT+A would be enough.
5. For me , uploading translated version of the file, wont succeed, it just keeps loading forever.
thanks Olli
2012/8/5 Harry Burt jarry1250@gmail.com
[Apologies for the cross-post]
Hey all,
After a short delay while I sorted out a Wikimedia Labs account, I am pleased to announce that version 2.0 of the TranslateSvg extension is officially available for testing [1].
TranslateSvg enables the easy translation of virtually any (currently 93.1%, but increasing all the time) SVG image containing text, with the result embedded into the SVG file so that graphical updates instantly propagate to all language versions [2].
Available for testing are three images to give you a feel for the interface. There's likely to be one future change - the introduction of an extra dialog box - but it's 99% feature complete. Well, until *you* tell me what's wrong with it :)
So what are you waiting for? Find ten minutes and get yourself to http://translatesvg.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page .
Many thanks, Harry
-- Harry Burt Google Summer of Code student
[1] http://translatesvg.wmflabs.org/wiki/Main_Page [2] http://www.harryburt.co.uk/blog/2012/07/20/translatesvg-whats-it-for/
Translators-l mailing list Translators-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/translators-l
Tried tit but for being really usable to produce translated images, the Mediawiki thumbnail generator should be able to generate translated versions of the images in distinct paths, by recognizing the method used in the saved SVG file : the <switch> statement that is using also a member element's property which matches the "systemlocale".
Another problem for this method : the systemlocale is not necessarily the one used to render pages in Mediawiki. Notably it will not match the language selected in MediaWiki by the user account settings or by navigating any page with the "uselang" query parameter.
If there a possibility of creating multiple distinct versions of the SVG within the same HTTP "folder", using the untranslated image (or the autotranslated page for the name of the parent folder, and the same name of the language code for the child element, for both its description page and the media page) ? Could it cause problems with how images are currently named and saved in Wikimedia sites (for now the "File:" namespace does not support folders, so the "/" in an image is part of the image name and this could create conflicts.
Are there other solutions for supporting translated images (also with a "uselang" query parameter to get a SVG image without the language switch but selecting the orrect labels, as well as a way to get the PNG thumbnail generator to include the language code in the thumbnail names, as well as creating separate histories, or an hostory filter for each language)....
This will remain for now a Beta as long as the <switch> SVG feature is not correctly supported in renderers and there's no easy way also to indicate that by default the image should be rendered in the wiki's default language if there's no user preferences for selecting the corret language, and a way to navigate between languages (for example, the history if these images shows thumbnails showing only the Englosh version, and differences between versions are not visible when they affect only one language which is not English, and no way to see the other versions in the thumbnails of the history, plus no standard way in browsers to select which language to display in a multilingual SVG).
Full support of multilingual images, with a derived and cached collection of autogenerated monolingual images seems to be the best long term solution.
Finally it seems OK to allow a translation to change the display font-size of even the font family (and the label positions), or to drop some font styles (notably bold and italic), but it does not look safe to allow a transaltion to add bold and italic styles, or to add or remove the underlines.
Other attributes may also be necessary for RTL languages, because sometimes a single label will be translated using multiple scripts requiring bidirectional processing bplus Bidi overrides (new <tspan> elements will be needed to split an existing label when translating from English to Arabic for example, and in some cases it will also be necessary to allow <tspans> to include more or less linebreaks with <br> elements between <tspans>).
Note that changing font styles may impact applications like cartographic maps, because all font styles have their own semantics (for example making distinctions between major cities and minor cities: if a label is too long, it may overlap other labels and a choice will require to hide some other labels
For an example of the problem, look at this typical image where the existing source labels (here in French) are splitted into multiple <tspan>'s : there's no easy way in the interface of translation (for example here to Russian) to group these tspans according to their parent <text> element, and allow a translation to group these tspans in a <g> group for each language, these <g> groups being the real members of a generated <switch> element which will be the new child of the <text> element.
Here, a structure like: <text> <tspan>...</tspan> <tspan>...</tspan> <text>
Will need to be converted first into: <text> <g lang="fr"> <tspan>...</tspan> <tspan>...</tspan> </g> <text> using some meta information requested to the first user converting the SVG to a translatable version where this will be the correct first language.
And then the multilingual version will be created by inserting the switch : <text> <switch> <g systemLanguage="fr"> <tspan>...</tspan> <tspan>...</tspan> </g> <switch> <text> (the source language is normally kept as the default fallback language, the last in the switch). With this kind of layout, it will be possible for a translation to add or remove tspans as necessary, and to organize where line breaks will really appear, as their translation may not match one for one at the <tspan> level, but only at the <text> level.
Note also that the generated id's in the SVG for each successive fallback in the list of child elements of the <switch> each time adds a "fallback-" part before the new language code. This would create overlong id's like:
(see http://translatesvg.wmflabs.org/w/images/5/53/Picturebook_3.svg, and look at the SVG source to compare the generated IDs that are each time longer for the child tspan of each <text> part of a switch)
The "fallback-" part should only appear in the generated ID on the last child element of the switch. My opinion is that it is a bug of the ID generator. But even in this case, the "fallback-" part is never needed (look at the correct generated ID's for the parent <text> which just appends the distinct language code to the original IDs (note also that this simpler methods does not warranty that the generated ID will be really distinct, unless the original ID's before starting the translation to not create collision elsewhere.
Note also that the ":" character is allowed in an ID, and to make an ID like "text528" unique after it is translation a naming convetion similar to Wikimedia would generate ID's like "en:text528" with a language code prefix: if an original ID already uses a colon, the simpelst method to avoid collisions after the translation is to convert all these original IDs by duplicating these original colons. So if an original ID (in a SVG file without the language switch) is something like ":xyz", its translatable ID will be changed first into "::xyz" itself prefixed with the language code so it will start as ":fr:::xyz"; but if the orinal ID is "xyz:t" it is directly translatable without other preprocessing by just prepending the prefix ":langcode:" as ":fr:xyz:t" without problem here because the oriignal ID did not contain a leading colon ; there are a lot other possible schemes to ensire ID's will remain unique while preserving much of the original IDs in the members of the generated switches)
2012/8/5 Philippe Verdy verdy_p@wanadoo.fr:
Tried tit but for being really usable to produce translated images, the Mediawiki thumbnail generator should be able to generate translated versions of the images in distinct paths, by recognizing the method used in the saved SVG file : the <switch> statement that is using also a member element's property which matches the "systemlocale".
Another problem for this method : the systemlocale is not necessarily the one used to render pages in Mediawiki. Notably it will not match the language selected in MediaWiki by the user account settings or by navigating any page with the "uselang" query parameter.
If there a possibility of creating multiple distinct versions of the SVG within the same HTTP "folder", using the untranslated image (or the autotranslated page for the name of the parent folder, and the same name of the language code for the child element, for both its description page and the media page) ? Could it cause problems with how images are currently named and saved in Wikimedia sites (for now the "File:" namespace does not support folders, so the "/" in an image is part of the image name and this could create conflicts.
Are there other solutions for supporting translated images (also with a "uselang" query parameter to get a SVG image without the language switch but selecting the orrect labels, as well as a way to get the PNG thumbnail generator to include the language code in the thumbnail names, as well as creating separate histories, or an hostory filter for each language)....
This will remain for now a Beta as long as the <switch> SVG feature is not correctly supported in renderers and there's no easy way also to indicate that by default the image should be rendered in the wiki's default language if there's no user preferences for selecting the corret language, and a way to navigate between languages (for example, the history if these images shows thumbnails showing only the Englosh version, and differences between versions are not visible when they affect only one language which is not English, and no way to see the other versions in the thumbnails of the history, plus no standard way in browsers to select which language to display in a multilingual SVG).
Full support of multilingual images, with a derived and cached collection of autogenerated monolingual images seems to be the best long term solution.
Finally it seems OK to allow a translation to change the display font-size of even the font family (and the label positions), or to drop some font styles (notably bold and italic), but it does not look safe to allow a transaltion to add bold and italic styles, or to add or remove the underlines.
Other attributes may also be necessary for RTL languages, because sometimes a single label will be translated using multiple scripts requiring bidirectional processing bplus Bidi overrides (new <tspan> elements will be needed to split an existing label when translating from English to Arabic for example, and in some cases it will also be necessary to allow <tspans> to include more or less linebreaks with <br> elements between <tspans>).
Note that changing font styles may impact applications like cartographic maps, because all font styles have their own semantics (for example making distinctions between major cities and minor cities: if a label is too long, it may overlap other labels and a choice will require to hide some other labels