Hello, 'morning (at least for Asian folks)
I've scanned the page - we have now six language versions. Thank you all for your help. I would however like you to examine your version, fellow translators, because I am afraid now no version hasn't reflected with the previous mail of Brad; "donor" was replaced with "friend": donatore anonimo, doador anônimo, anonieme donateur and (einen) anonymen Förderer. I have no idea what Hungarian words mean.
We will appreciate your consideration if this change can be reflected to your version.
Personally I am wondering if that modification is within copyediting which is only meaningful within English context and hard to transfer to other languages, but it is good to examine if this slight difference can be expressed in your own language.
Since Japanese doesn't say herein "friend", I replaced the word in my former version with an equivalent of "benefactor" and then "supporter". Such modification could be worthy to consider.
And I would like to stress that this request hasn't been closed yet, if you are unsure if your language version has been done, please give a look to the meta page http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_request/WMF/Fundraising_Sitenotic...
On 12/20/06, Brad Patrick bpatrick@wikimedia.org wrote:
I was corrected. We will say "anonymous friend" instead of donor.
Aphaia wrote:
Hello guys n' girls, here is a brand-new request for translation and it is very important, because it is based on contract with the Foundation and a third party anonymous donor.
Sentence is:
"Your contribution today will be matched by an anonymous donor."
We'll greately appreciate your cooperation on translation on the page http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_request/WMF/Fundraising_Sitenotic...
It contains three links to the Foundation wiki; Fundraising page, Fundraising FAQ and Wikipedia "anonymous". Please make the translation of this one-line message first and then check if those links leads visitors to appropriate pages. But now, this request is in our highest priorities. Let us go!