Hi folks, by accident my keyboard is broken. Some but inportant keys are defunctioned therefore now I can input efficiently Japanese text. Under current environment my kana-kanji input doesn't work well.
So, if some of you continue to translate the rest of the newsletter, we cannot keep the deadline, March 15. Besides Interview, though now we have a hope it will come also on March 15, with devotion of M-Falcon, there are still a report on Vala's thesis, Calender and Endnote unfinished. Currently it is okay for me to input latin alphabet but I am afraid some of keys will be defunctioned too.
Fortunately NJT gave me his words he will care for WQ2 as proofreader, but I promised him to give him finished translation, that is why now I ask your help here. I send this mail to him too, in the worst case, he have to finish Vala's thesis report by his own hands, and because of limitation of terms (we have only 4 days!) I long for anyone who can give us a help.
Recently we did the second grobal fund drive and gathered over $90.000 ; we promised on WQ1 the second issue will come soon ; and as for the first fund drive here on WQ2 the report both of drive itself and the purchase as its result will be reported. we are responsible for our donors and readers to let them know what we did and do.
(ja) Aphaiaです。翻訳をしてくださる方を募集中です。 すません、キーボードを壊しまして、ちょっとすぐには対処が出来ません。かなり能率が悪くて、致命的なことにはカーソルキーがやられているので漢字変換機能にだいぶ支障が出ております。ニュースレターの校閲をやるというのにはちょっと向かないので、どなたか第二号の残りの日本語版の工程を面倒みてくださる方はおられますでしょうか。
今回の号では、九月の募金のお願いの報告が使途とともにのっておりますし、最近募金をまたお願いした後でもありますので、そうした篤志の方へのご報告ということでもあり、期日になんとか間に合わせたいと考えております。 #本当は1月中に出ているべきものですが、事情があって遅れています。人手は慢性的に不足していますので、お手伝いをしてくださる方は随時歓迎しております。