Hello all, thank you for your help and interest as usual, now we close candidate accepting. I hope we can release soon the complete list of candidates. This election gets a wide attention, and we have now close to 20 candidates. I'm really excited about that. Quicklist of candidate statement by language: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Election_translations_2006/En#Candidates
Some of those candidates came late, but I hope the Wikimedia community pay impartial attention to all those candidates. All statements will be read closely, ideally in the language most convenient for each reader, that is, each voter. Regretfully we need to admit not all voter can read those statement in the language they are most familiar with, though.
But luckily and thankfully being helped by many eager translators, some language speakers will be able to have each of those statements in their own languages - or not. It depends on our volunteering staff, and if you are multilingual, you can help it. Your translation will help your friends in your community and help assuring the neutrality and impartiality of this coming Election. I think no one will be happy if some candidates have their statements in multiple language, and others have only in few, or some language speaker voters can read what a certain candidate think and promise, but need to rely on machine translation or a language version which is obscure for them at all. I want to pursue the equal opportunity to the highest extent. On this Election. Not only because I am serving as officer to that, but also I believe in the equal right of us the Wikimedia editor and trust you all as collaborator to the same goal; to provide free knowledge in every potion of this planet, in every language. And voting for our community representative should be one of most significant part to pursue this goal in my opinion. And for that, we need your help, you German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Polish ... and many other translators.
Again, we need your help. To provide all our voters enough information consider this Election as serious as possible. As impartial as possible. And you can help us. Us the Wikimedia community, assuring it the global character, the equality - and free access to a certain knowledge: what those candidate think about our mission. So, give a look to our workspace and consider what you can do! Quicklist of candidate statement by language: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Election_translations_2006/En#Candidates
Thank you for your attention, and see later on meta.