Two fairly short surveys have been added to the fundraising hub:
As always, we very much appreciate your work. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
_______________________ Philippe Beaudette Head of Reader Relations Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
ofc: +1 415 839 6885 x6643 mobile: +1 918 200 WIKI (9454)
Imagine a world in which every human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
2010/12/25 Philippe Beaudette
Two fairly short surveys have been added to the fundraising hub: As always, we very much appreciate your work. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts.
1. You probably know that, but just in case: It's not relevant for chapters that didn't get the banners down.
2. This sentence looks weird: "Please answer a few questions give us feedback on the 2010 Wikimedia fundraiser".
3. It's not clear how the lines with "[yearround]", "[V1006Age]" and "[V1006Gender]"
4. Looks like in some multi-choice answers there are no asterisks for bullet lists. Is it intentional?