2009/6/25 Tisza Gergő gtisza@gmail.com:
This will clutter the already messy editing interface even further by breaking the terms of use into three parts (before it was in copyrightwarning and edittools). I don't suppose this can be avoided, as edittools is customized on most wikis and cannot be changed in a centralized way, but local wikis should then be allowed to suppress wikimedia-editpage-tos-summary and move its contents to edittools (or vice versa).
My understanding is this: For the edit page, it should just be two parts, wikimedia-editpage-tos-summary and wikimedia-copyrightwarning. The default for the edittools message is to not contain licensing info. _Some_ wikis have moved licensing stuff into edittools to reduce clutter above the save/preview buttons. In order to address this need more explicitly, the wikimedia-editpage-tos-summary message exists to specifically capture secondary licensing information that can exist below the edit/save buttons.
This will mean that when we take this code live, wikis that have customized MediaWiki:Edittools to include licensing info will include some redundant/incorrect info that has to be removed. There's no way around that, but for the sake of clean updatability and consistency, the wikimedia-* messages should be used in future for all licensing info.