New accomodation note is announced on Wikimania website. If your language have the page there, and you are sure multiple people from your languagfe community will attend, your translation will be very helpful.
Many thanks in advance,
1. Those who have registered with accommodations before 15th May , please PAY BEFORE 5th JUNE (00:00 UTC), OR YOUR REGISTRATION AND ACCOMMODATIONS WILL BE CANCELED. 2. The organizing office is arranging accommodation for speakers, scholarship awardees now. All SPEAKERS AND SCHOLARSHIP AWARDEES please do as follows: 1. Register right after you know your paper accepted or scholarship approved. 2. Mail wikimania-registration@wikimedia.org to tell which nights will you stay (8/1-8/5) by 5th JUNE (00:00 UTC). 3. Awardees please pay before 6th JUNE also, otherwise accommodation and registration fees will be taken out of your scholarship directly. 3. Accommodation booking will be re-opened on 7th June. If you made your reservation after 15th May, your accommodation booking is not confirmed. Attendees reserving accommodation after 15th May are on the waitlist for accommodation, even if your registration is active. Please send a message to wikimania-registration@wikimedia.org with your name and the nights that you wish to stay at CYOTAC. Important: please indicate if you are a speaker or scholarship awardee in this message. 4. NEW REGISTRATION and ACCOMMODATION BOOKING POLICY since 7th JUNE: for registration with accommodation, PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE WITHIN 48 HOURS. Otherwise, registration and accommodations will be canceled by system automatically. Accommodations will be arranged according to the order of the time you pay. This is a waiting list, so there's no guarantee. The organizing office will try to do our best for all participates.
Thanks for your cooperation. =====