The latest tech newsletter is ready for early translation:
Direct translation link:
I'm planning to send the newsletter on Monday afternoon (UTC), i.e. Monday morning PST. The existing translations will be posted on the wikis in that language.
This week's edition is very short, with only two items. I considered not posting it this week, but eventually decided to use this edition to ask for feedback from the subscribers. There won't be any further changes to the text; you can translate safely.
Similarly, if you (as translators) have any feedback about how we did in 2014, or if there are things we could do or change to make translation easier, please do let me know, either on or off-list. You can share your feedback all year long, but I thought I'd call out this opportunity in particular.
Thank you all for your help in 2014; I'm really grateful for your dedication, and I wish you all a happy Gregorian new year!
Le dimanche 28 décembre 2014 04:22:24, vous avez écrit :
The latest tech newsletter is ready for early translation:
Thank you all for your help! The newsletter has now been delivered in 10 languages to subscribers across wikis.