Intended to send you the mail before, though no idea, if of any (potential) interest to any of you or acquaintances (or Web-Acquaintances) - part of the information is from Wikipedia's Web-Site.
Attached some links related to the subject and some links, which might useful with planning activities (of this kind) in Africa (the list was established for another purpose - but part of the links might be of interest)
I recently came across an article on co-working in the news and, while investigating into the matter, learned about your community and its activities on your website.In this context I would like to submit a proposition and share your opinion on the following matter:What about investing in a more adventurous site - further afield, in the "outback", (or even) in an emerging country, or whatever...The project could be "limited in size" (the size of a house instead of an office building), financed by a(n) (international) group of prospective users, to reduce the cost of the investment.It could be used in a way to somehow combine a kind of "holiday feeling" with business purposes, on a commercial or non-profit basis, depending on the location and the financial means of the investors..."Extremely exotic locations" might require additional investments in solar devices (for energy), pumps (for water), filters and chemicals (to clean the water), and similar...The local communities might benefit from the availability and / or the opportunity to use and get acquainted and familiar with modern technology, working techniques and media, and, in a certain way and to a certain extent "networking" (which might, among others, for example, be realised by suspending courses at the example of "Walldorf" schools in Germany)...... or positive effects on the activities of local communities... Be assured, that I would love to take part in a project of this kind, though unfortunately, due to given circumstances, it is not possible and certainly would not mind a feedback of any kind.