Yesterday 56 Wiktionaries got a localised logo enabled, at last: This has been made possible by Casey's work page for logos to coordinate translations and by Odder drawing all of them alone: thank you! Many thanks also to the users of all languages who provided and reviewed the translations of the name and motto: you can still help by checking the translations in your language for all projects in the Meta page above. Next effort will be Wikipedis without a localised logos: there are about 50, plus those lacking a translation on the page above.
This is fantastic! Great job!
This sort of localization is so critical to a site community's sense of ownership.
————————— Philippe Beaudette Director, Community Advocacy Wikimedia Foundation, Inc
On Dec 24, 2012, at 3:40 AM, "Federico Leva (Nemo)" wrote:
Yesterday 56 Wiktionaries got a localised logo enabled, at last: This has been made possible by Casey's work page for logos to coordinate translations and by Odder drawing all of them alone: thank you! Many thanks also to the users of all languages who provided and reviewed the translations of the name and motto: you can still help by checking the translations in your language for all projects in the Meta page above. Next effort will be Wikipedis without a localised logos: there are about 50, plus those lacking a translation on the page above.
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