Hello, quote [Amir Elisha Aharoni]
I completely agree. Most likely it is true for Wikipedians from all cultures: some of us are very open, but many of us are very private.
These questions must not be required.
I agree to this as well.
1. Maybe language selection menu would contain native language names. (or like NativeName (EngName), ex. suomi (Finnish))
2. Maybe automatically language selection based on browser settings?
3. Global problem in D1a. is fixed in Finnish translation now, please update?
4. QUESTION # D2. year -field should be in right hand side, not left hand side,First character should not uppercased.
5. There is problem in QUESTION # Q26,Same text shows 2 times (it shows in second last and last questions) (problem at least in Finnish version) WrongText:H*aluaisimme tietää, mitkä henkilökohtaiset tietosi olet jakanut kaikkien nähtäväksi Wikipediassa. Mitkä seuraavista tiedoista olet jakanut Wikipediassa? Valitse kaikki jotka pitävät paikkansa.* * * Best regards, Olli