Philippe, thank you for your e-mail and apologies for such a belated reply.
Your message touches on a variety of subjects, so I'm going to answer them very briefly, hoping that other people might also want to get involved at some point. I'm afraid that you might have confused some things and mentioned subjects that are outside of our (mine or Guillaume's) control.
Firstly, we have never used any bots to notify translators about the issue being finished (and frozen); there are too many people subscribed to translation notifications on Meta, and Tech News isn't (yet) important enough to contact them all on their talk pages. Moreover, issue #29 was frozen on Saturday, and my last e-mail about it was sent that day; I don't know what notification you received on Monday but it certainly did not come from me or Guillaume.
Secondly, e-mail notifications are one of the things that lie outside of our control. I am aware that the Wikimedia mailing system can deliver some notifications late, but there shouldn't be any problems with this mailing list; I at least receive all messages almost immediately, even though I'm using a private e-mail provider. Can you clarify what you have in mind? Are these problems about e-mails coming from or from this mailing list (
Thirdly, we are aware of time zone differences and issues that stem from them; however, the 24 hours we give translators to translate the newsletter seem to be just enough, and most of the localized versions are ready long before we send them out. There are currently no plans to extend the translation period beyond those 24 hours; I don't want to fix something that ain't broken.
As far as your schedule suggestions are considered, I'm afraid that they are completely out of touch with the reality. It is absolutely impossible for us to prepare future issues four weeks in advance, as we report news that have already happened and some that are due to happen. Of the ten issues published so far, the only topics that were repeated are (1) MediaWiki updates every week and (2) Universal Language Selector roll-out; even the widely announced VisualEditor roll-out schedule got changed a couple of times. And for those messages that are repeated every week, you can use translation memory and import translations with one click of your mouse.
The suggestion to prepare the newsletter seven days in advance is also unrealistic; such outdated news would be of little or no value for the community. I am not sure how much you know about the way that configuration or software changes are submitted and deployed on Wikimedia wikis; perhaps you ought to have a look at Gerrit some time to see that is impractical (and sometimes useless) to test them all on a beta cluster somewhere and prepare 'documentation' for them.
Lastly, I am very sorry to hear that you think we (I) don't 'like edits to the English original'. We do appreciate all efforts and edits made to the page before it is frozen; edits that come after the issue is published we try to keep to a minimum as not to give our translators unnecessary work. I'm also afraid that your last paragraph is completely untrue; we monitor talk pages of all issues as well as the main talk page at [[m:Talk:Tech/News]] and respond to feedback as soon as possible.
In general, I think that you address your feedback to the wrong people; Tech News is a small initiative driven by two (2) volunteers; it is impossible for us to influence the way that the Wikimedia Foundation, volunteer extensions developers or other Gerrit users develop software and implement configuration changes.
Your suggestions would be good for a world in which every software changes are planned long in advance, are beta-tested for some time, get proper documentation in English and give time for users to translate them into their languages. With the current resources in software development and translation communities that we have, it is impossible to do and can only be considered wishful thinking, and I'm afraid it will not come into reality for a very long time (if ever).