I added a short description on open questions on "Wikimedia News" and "Goings-on" to meta.
On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:50:46 -0500, Sj 2.718281828@gmail.com wrote:
( Cc:ing wikipedia-l, since it is important to have broad community feedback. Also the translators list, because the sidebar of the open-questions page should be translated. )
Nice idea. We could encourage to local communities to submit their comments in their favorite language and ask ambassadors and/or translators to translate those inputs into English at least. (So I would like to add translators-l again to Cc: list.)
By the way I support notafish's proposal we change the name "ambassador" to another, like "Wikimedia liaison". For reducing political nuances from those name or avoiding misunderstamding that they have a sort of right to decide, such a change would be nice.
Once Tomos translated this word into Japanese "駐在員" literally a staff working in a foreing area or just a reporter. For the sake of informative aspects of this position (making a report to Reports on meta, or for the Board, informing activities and initiatives on other communities, reporting community decisions and so on) I prefer "liaison" or "reporter" to the current name "ambassador".
Any other suggestion? --- Aphaea || Britomartis email: Aphaia @ gmail (dot) com