Hi all, thank you for always helps and efforts, now we need your help again at the beginning of the conference season - Wikimedia 2nd Annual International Conference known as Wikimania 2006.
You may want to help us on translation, refinement and distribtution. Before the 1st deadline of submission, we need your help now.
I. Brief note of conference and CfP: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_requests/Wikimania/Announcements has its announcement in some language. You can help use 1a. checking if you have this note in your favorite lang. If not, you make a translation - then you will be more thanked with an addition at the end: "If you have workshop or tutorial ideas, please submit those before March 30." Thank you! 1b. checking your subscribing list and your local pump (or, in any names, the general discussion page) if this two lines note was already posted there. If not, you post it. Thank you! 1c. you put a note with signature about your contribution on its talk; where you found that or where you posted it. Thank you! 1d. then, if you are interest in helping Wikimania translation further, you can be other tasks on http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Translation_requests/Wikimania. Thank you!
or were you better to be simply hugged? -- Aphaea@*.wikipedia.org email: Aphaia @ gmail (dot) com