I have just started to look into the translation requests. I wonder a couple of things, and I bring it to the list since I am sure there must be plenty other translators in similar situations.
The pages for the current fundraiser will only be used for a couple of weeks, but many other pages remain for a long time. Those pages generally get changed and updated as reality changes. In the current translation requests, there is for example the page on the Board, and on the current staff. In both cases, new people will come and others will leave. If a page like this is translated and not updated, it looks very bad. Old or wrong information is often worse than no information at all, and in this case outdated translated info will prevent people to instead visit the corresponding page in a language where the info is correct.
If I translate a page, I can not promise to be here to update it later. If my local community was bigger - and/or more generally interested in stuff above the local community level - I could count on other people replacing me, but as things are now I can that is something I can hope for but not count on. If we don't implement some kind of system to deal with outdated pages, I am a little afraid of translating such pages. I feel that in the end I might have done more bad than good.
How can we deal with outdated translations? One _could_ tag a translated page saying which version of another page it is translated from. Others who don't speak the language in question can then decide whether the information is too outdated to be around, and somehow remove the page - I suppose redirecting it to the English, or other suitable, version is a working idea. Does anyone have a better suggestion?