How are they named in Canada (notably in Toronto, Ontario) or Louisiana, where both languages are officially used ?
2017-01-26 21:07 GMT+01:00 Guillaume Paumier
2017-01-26 9:38 GMT-08:00 Lena Traer
Would you say that the Board of Trustees at WMF has the same role as the traditional Board of Directors? If that is the case, "Conseil d'administration" likely is most appropriate translation.
In Russian, the "board" is also translated as "council". However, "Board
Directors" and "Board of Trustees" translate slightly differently. I
non-profit organizations are likely to use "Board of Trustees" whereas for-profit corporations use "Board of Directors".
I'm not very familiar with the legal intricacies of the different kinds of Boards. To be completely accurate, the best term would probably be the English one ("Board of Trustees"), simply because it has an official definition in a specific geography and doesn't have an exact equivalent in other locales. But for the reasons given by Matthieu, it's generally better to try and find the closest approximation.
In France, both non-profit organizations and for-profit organizations can have a "Conseil d'administration". It's also the French phrase we've been using on the Foundation's website since 2004 (although the page hasn't been kept up-to-date with changes in Board members recently):
Hope this helps :)
-- Guillaume Paumier
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