Hello all, as consequence of with a recent discussion on Communications Committee mailinglist (archive is closed), we are going to have a new guideline about the Foundation website maintenance. http://wikimediafoundation.org/
That is, if we find a translation page too much outdated *and* there is no volunteering translator around, we will turn it into the redirect to the originals, possibly to the English version.
Current candidates are: * most of Korean pages (not updated since 2004) except Home page, including http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/%EC%9C%84%ED%82%A4%EB%AF%B8%EB%94%94%EC%... * most of Finnish pages except Home page, including http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Tietoja_Wikimediasta * some German pages including ** Kuratorium (De version of Board of Trustees) ** Benefactors/De
See the website and consider if you would like to help updating.
After a long consideration, we reached that conclusion would be the best for now. Since we think it would be better to lead the visitors to the latest content even in a foreign language than to offer them totally outdated pages (and mislead them). Transcom will continue to seek translators for those pages, of course, but it is not sure whenever translations of particular langauges will be available. Therefore we are going to remove outdated materials. Anyone who would like to revive those once existant page(s) will be welcome, and they can restart those pages on meta ([[m:TR/WMF]] subpages).