2011/3/11 Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni@mail.huji.ac.il:
A few days ago i represented Wikimedia Israel at the Israeli Librarians Association conference. A lot of people asked me: "Wikimedia? But isn't it called Wikipedia, with a P?"
Hi Amir,
I agree with you, but I lost that battle a long time ago and have given up on ever hoping for a change. See - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/foundation-l/2007-May/029991.html
The Wikimedia/Wikipedia thing is just something we'll have to live with, and in that world, using "Wikimedia" is the best way to avoid pissing off people from the non-WP projects. On the bright side, this is a message to the community, where the confusing branding is less of an issue.