As you may or may not be aware, Wikimania 2005: The First International
Wikimedia Conference will be held in Frankfurt am Main, Germany in early
August 2005 (most likely 4-8 August 2005). A banner has recently been
created for this, and the text for the banner needs to be translated.
The English banner is at [[commons:Image:wikimania-web-en.png]]. It reads:
Wikimania 2005
The First International Wikimedia Conference
Frankfurt am Main, Germany
4-8 August, 2005
If you are going to edit the image directly the font used was Bitstream
Charter; the original format of the banner is two EPS files with
different font sizes which I can send on request. If you just want to
give me the translated text I can upload a PNG of the banner with the
appropriate text on it (this may not work well for jp:, zh: and the like
but we could try it anyways). I would prefer the translated text or the
EPS approaches in that there is a small chance that these banners could
be printed and I would like to have that option available in as many
languages as possible.
So go to it, translators. :)
~Grunt (Steven Melenchuk)