Anybody willing to admin the wikiPL list?
Also, There is no reason for Krzysztof to be embarrased. It seems that several of the list passwords have been changed recently without the admins being notified. I don't know who has been doing it, but it has affected the French list as well. Chances are, he didn't lose the password at all, but had it stolen from him...
Jason Richey
----- Forwarded message from "Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz" -----
From: "Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz" Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:57:52 +0100 To: Subject: Problem with wikipl-l administration
I am (and I shouldn't be) the mailing list admin for wikipl-l. I think this is the most embarrasing thing to happen to a mailing list admin.
I have seemingly lost my password to the aministration interface.
I understand that sending someone this kind of information who just asks for it is quite unusual. To avoid leaving this list without an administrator please give the rights to someone from the wikipl-l. I suppose or are suitable persons IMO. I hope they will take over the tasks of the wikipl-l administration.
That said I resign as the wikipl-l list administrator. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Regards, Kpjas.
----- End forwarded message -----
W liście otrzymanym Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:05:42 -0800 od Jason Richey :
Anybody willing to admin the wikiPL list?
Also, There is no reason for Krzysztof to be embarrased. It seems that several of the list passwords have been changed recently without the admins being notified. I don't know who has been doing it, but it has affected the French list as well. Chances are, he didn't lose the password at all, but had it stolen from him...
EN ver. below:
AFAIK Mailman pozwala, aby kilka osób administrowało listą. Może dobrze by było przenieść interfes do Mailmana za SSL dla bezpieczeństwa.
Moim zdaniem nie ma powodu, aby Kpjas rezygnował z adminowania liście. Mojego zaufania nie straciłeś.
AFAIK Mailman has a feature for more than one administrator. Also maybe it would be helpful to move its interface behind a SSL for more security.
IMHO there is no reason for Kpjas to resign his position. He is a trustful person for me.
--- Piotr Smyrak
On 15 Jan 2003 at 19:44, Piotr Smyrak wrote:
AFAIK Mailman pozwala, aby kilka os�b administrowa o list . Mo e dobrze by by o przenie interfes do Mailmana za SSL dla bezpiecze stwa.
Moim zdaniem nie ma powodu, aby Kpjas rezygnowa z adminowania li cie. Mojego zaufania nie straci e .
Tez jestem za tym, zeby Kpjas pozostal na swoim stanowisku, ale nie ma tez sensu zmuszac nikogo na sile.
Jak tam Kpjasie, Twoja decyzja jest ostateczna? Jesli jest mozliwosc, aby kilka osob administrowalo lista to chetnie Ci pomoge.
Pozdrawiam Youandme
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Poczta nowych mozliwosci >>>
Jesli nie bedzie sprzeciwu, to chetnie podejme sie tej roli (i wysle mail do Jasona - jutro w okolicach poludnia).
On 15 Jan 2003 at 10:05, Jason Richey wrote:
Anybody willing to admin the wikiPL list?
Also, There is no reason for Krzysztof to be embarrased. It seems that several of the list passwords have been changed recently without the admins being notified. I don't know who has been doing it, but it has affected the French list as well. Chances are, he didn't lose the password at all, but had it stolen from him...
Jason Richey
----- Forwarded message from "Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz"
From: "Krzysztof P. Jasiutowicz" Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 10:57:52 +0100 To: Subject: Problem with wikipl-l administration
I am (and I shouldn't be) the mailing list admin for wikipl-l. I think this is the most embarrasing thing to happen to a mailing list admin.
I have seemingly lost my password to the aministration interface.
I understand that sending someone this kind of information who just asks for it is quite unusual. To avoid leaving this list without an administrator please give the rights to someone from the wikipl-l. I suppose or are suitable persons IMO. I hope they will take over the tasks of the wikipl-l administration.
That said I resign as the wikipl-l list administrator. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Regards, Kpjas.
----- End forwarded message -----
-- "Jason C. Richey"
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bezplatne przelewy do ZUS i US. Tylko mBIZNES Konto.
Witajcie listowicze, Kpjas definitywnie zrezygnowal z bycia adminem... zegnamy go w tej roli :~|~~ i dziekujemy serdecznie. A jesli chodzi o nowego admina, to hmmm... chyba jest nim... jestem nim ja... Postaram sie sluzyc najlepiej jak umiem Pozdrawiam Youandme
---------------------------------------------------------------------- Firmowe pieniadze na 5.64% efektywnego porocentowania. mBIZNES Konto. >>>
W liście otrzymanym Fri, 17 Jan 2003 04:47:00 +0100 od :
Kpjas definitywnie zrezygnowal z bycia adminem... zegnamy go w tej roli :~|~~ i dziekujemy serdecznie.
Ja także przyłączam się do podziękowań, serdecznie.
A jesli chodzi o nowego admina, to hmmm... chyba jest nim... jestem nim ja... Postaram sie sluzyc najlepiej jak umiem
--- Piotr Smyrak