Dostałem prośbę, żeby to puścić na listę. W skrócie:
Lennart Guldbrandsson chce zreformować sposób zakładania kont w projektach Wikimedia i poszukuje osób z polskiej Wikipedii do współpracy. Chodzi generalnie o to, że statystyki pokazują, że bardzo niski odsetek osób, które zakładają konta wykonują choćby jedną edycję i również bardzo wysoki odsetek osób, które zakłada konta zniechęca się do edytowania po pierwszej nieudanej próbie. W związku z tym idea jest taka, aby sama procedura logowania zachęcała do rozpoczęcia edytowania. Potrzeba mu osób, które będą testowały różne scenariusze tej procedury. Jak ktoś się chce przyłączyć to niech pisze do Lennarta:
"Lennart Guldbrandsson" l_guldbrandsson@hotmail.com
== Oryginalny mail == Hello,
My name is Lennart Guldbrandsson. Some of you may know me as the chair of Wikimedia Sverige, or met me on any of several Wikipedia related events. Some I have even been in contact with about this project.
Recently I became a fellow to the Wikimedia Foundation (http://blog.wikimedia.org/blog/2011/01/07/announcing-our-fourth-fellow-lenna...). For the next couple of months I will be working to make it easier for newcomers to create their accounts. This is one part of the Wikimedia Foundation's goal to increase the number of new users. This type of project that I am working with haven't really been tried before, but we have been doing research and talked to a lot of people. We have great hopes that we can not only make it easier, but also make the new users better prepared for what awaits them on Wikipedia, which in turn will make them more likely to stay.
And now we would like you to be a part of a series of experiments. We have chose the Polish Wikipedia and Wikimedia Polska with quite a lot of care. Frankly, we think you haven't received the attention you deserve. This offer to be a part of these experiments is our way of try to rectify that situation.
So, what are planning?
In short, we want to improve the entire process of creating a new account. But we want to test different solutions against each other to see what works best. This is called A/B testing. You can read more details about it here:
Your part in this experiment entails several things:
* translating and coming up with good language for the testing pages
* bounce ideas with us and be willing to try various things to see what works
* help us analyse the results
The work load should not be too heavy, especially if you are two-three people that can chip in a few hours from time to time. On the other hand, the results from this (and a selected few other language versions/chapters that we are approaching) will make ripples all through the Wikipedia movement. And we will of course mention your work when we present our findings at Wikimania and try to encourage all language versions to roll out these changes.
So, what do you say? Do you want to become part of this experiment?
Whether you do or don't, please answer during the next 9 days (before Friday the 11th). We will start the first tests in a few weeks, which means that we need to get to work soon.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to write to me. And if you want, we can do Skype conversations as well (or any other method of videoconference that you prefer).
Best wishes,
Lennart Guldbrandsson, Fellow of the Wikimedia Foundation / Wikimedia Foudation-stipendiat Chair of Wikimedia Sverige / ordförande för Wikimedia Sverige http://wikimedia.se Tfn: 031 - 12 50 48 Mobil: 070 - 207 80 05 Epost: l_guldbrandsson@hotmail.com Användarsida: http://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anv%C3%A4ndare:Hannibal Blogg: http://mrchapel.wordpress.com/