----- Forwarded message from Wojtek Bogusz wojtek@tacticaltech.org -----
From: Wojtek Bogusz wojtek@tacticaltech.org Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 14:07:08 +0100 To: kpjas@wikipedia.pl, jochym@rozeta.com.pl Subject: Localisation Sprint, 20-22 November Organization: Tactical Technology Collective
Znalazlem wasze email'e w polskiej wikipedi, chcialem przeslac ponizsza wiadomosc poniewaz organizujemy "Localisation Sprint" w Warszawie za 2 tygodnie (sorki ze tak pozno pisze). Jednym z jego elementow moglo by byc doswiadczenie zwiazane z lokalizacja tresci (content localisation) i byc moze kontekst PL.Wikipedi. Prosze zobaczcie informacje ponizej oraz strone www i strony organizatorow.
Szukamy rowniez kontaktu z grupami zajmujacymi sie lokalizacja wolnego oprogramowani w polsce - bede pisac do grupy lokalizujacej mozille i thunderbird oraz openoffice. Ale moze mozecie kogos polecic. W kazdym razie bardzo bylo by milo uslyszec wasze zdanie, pomysly i podpowiedzi na ten temat i oczywiscie chcialem tez poprostu dac znac o tym wydarzeniu w nadziei na to ze moze cos z tego kontaktu pozytywnego wyniknac :-)
We're working to plan Asia Source (http://www.tacticaltech.org/asiasource) for late January 2005, and as part of the localisation training track we plan to offer there, we're hosting the Localisation Sprint to both map what's known about localising software for NGOs and civil society, as well as to sketch out what localisation training looks like for eRiders, developers and others. Some coding might happen too, but we're not making any promises :)
The official description is:
/Aspiration and Tactical Technology Collective will host a Localisation Sprint in Warsaw, Poland from the 20th to the 22nd of November, 2004. The event will bring together a diverse group of leaders and innovators in software and documentation localisation for nonprofits and civil society to share experiences, compare projects and practices, and document the same. We invite interested individuals and organisations to join us for this unique and valuable gathering.
/and the URL:
The web site has been a little moody last day, but we intend to make the wiki the focal target of our output.
While we know it's extremely late for anyone to plan to be in Warsaw in 2 weeks, this an event at which we'll be actively encouraging remote participation. We'll use a wiki web tool (PurpleWiki, courtesy of Blue Oxen Associates) to chronicle the plannings and proceedings; such a site allows collective editing of the pages by anyone visiting them, and we hope that many folks will contribute their links and learnings about this essential topic. We'll maintain the wiki as a map of "localisation topics for NGOs" moving forward, and further update it at Asia Source. Don't be shy about tossing links and thoughts up there in the coming weeks (it's a blank slate as I write this :). We'll remind everyone in a month as to what we're up to, and we promise to give better advance notice about future localisation shindigs.
We welcome your questions and participation, and hope to hear from you!
thanks & best, pozdrawiam i przepraszam ze po angielsku. wojtek
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