On Sun, 11 Dec 2005 02:38:50 +0100, Daniel Koć wrote:
Ten pomysl bardzo mi sie podoba, bo zachowuje sens Wikipedii, a daje mozliwosc sensownego zwiekszenia zaufania do niej. Mozesz cos wiecej opowiedziec i dac linka do dyskusji na ten temat?
Wielka dyskusja na ten temat toczy się właśnie (z udziałem "góry") na liście misc, wątek "road to stability".
kawałek z 4395F191.9000507@pobox.com:
[...] reviewed, stable versions need to be right on top, as what the public sees by default.
Sure, there'll be a big fat message showing that 78573 more edits have been made to [[George W. Bush]] since this reviewed version, with a handy link to go right to it and see the changes, but they're gonna see the stable copy first.
Most of those visitors *aren't* participating editors, and on a relatively mature site like en.wikipedia we need to recognize this and act accordingly to meet their requirements