To Jimmy Wales
I'm sorry to inform you about a serious legal issue with the german sites
spreading not just biased information but slander against me and other persons.
I.e. stating, that I would be a criminal, repeatedly searched by police and so on.
At Nationalanarchismus it reads today:
"Seit 1995 gab er gemeinsam mit Andreas Röhler im Verlag der Freunde das Magazin "Sleipnir" heraus, das wegen Verbreitung neonazistischer Propaganda und Verdacht auf Volksverhetzung mehrmals beschlagnahmt wurde."
Also there are enthusiastic commented links to other pages - given as sources and related material - which are infringing my civil and personal rights.
In fact, all charges have been dropped - there is no reason and justification to report just the searching still and to not report the not-guilty termination of the cases. (Please excuse my poor English, know there are other words to say this.)
In some way - I wrote it already to the german readers - the issue with Wikipedia is also at stake, because Wikipedia now is a successful, well-known address and I can't ignore dangerous falsehood infos there.
So, please take it as a compliment too. Wikipedia seems an interesting and fascinating phenomena.
However, I ask formally to correct that falsehood until March 10. Otherwise I will take legal action against Wikipedia after this day.
All the best Hope it will be solved
Andreas Roehler
PS.: To give a hint what is behind, to put it very very short: as free speech activist defending the rights of revisionist historians and right wing activists to speak out, I have been accused to be right wing too.
You will have heard, that we have very special laws in Germany, separating us legally from the rest of the world. The reason given by the authorities, why this laws - which are not to reconcile with the human rights codex - is: to prevent human rights violations as seen in history.
Isn't that a strange arguing? Because the state perpetrated human rights violations in history the authorities now reclame the right to make special laws - constituting again human rights violations.
But back to our case:
So as I uphold the right of everyone to be right wing (as left wing) I just am not. Thats all. I'm a writer, dramatist or just nothing if you like. I'm not interested in all these categories: J'm moke, as the French are saying. As the law enforcement agency and the court understood that, now its up to the German Wikipedia to accept it too as far its concerns qualifying.
Below the german text. Please look at
- first complaint was given there at February 20.
Now its discussed at
Nachdem Hinweise und Korrekturen auf den betroffenen Seiten IDGR und Nationalanarchismus bislang nicht - oder nur teilweise - zum Ziel führten - setze ich den verantwortlichen Autoren, Betreibern und Unterstützern von Wikipedia zur Vermeidung eines Strafantrags eine
Frist bis zum 10. März 2006
alle Einträge, in denen behauptet oder der Eindruck erweckt wird, ich sei ein Straftäter, zu beseitigen.
Entsprechendes gilt für positiv kommentierte Verweise auf Seiten wie IDGR, auf welchen dieses behauptet wird.
Andreas Röhler
Berlin, den 03. März 2006