N'Abend, Manche haben es sicher mitbekommen, wer nicht der soll auch weiterhin schön brav Zeit mit der Familie verbringen oder Ski fahren gehen (das mach ich morgen).
Das ganze umgerechnet auf unsere Zeit dürfte es wohl bis spätestens übermorgen in der Früh wieder einen laufenden Datenbank-Server haben.
ciao, tom
----- Forwarded message from Jimmy Wales jwales@bomis.com -----
To: wikipedia-l@wikipedi.org From: Jimmy Wales jwales@bomis.com Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 07:59:44 -0800 Subject: [Wikipedia-l] Re: Crashy opteron
Damned computers.
Well, Tim is out of town. Jason is a couple hours away and there's no way I'm asking him to drive down on Christmas. The colo does not have 24x7 staffing, so no one is there to reboot it for us today.
Therefore, we're doomed until tomorrow morning. Jason has a family obligation tomorrow at 10AM, so he _could_ go down tomorrow afternoon, but only if we can't get someone at the colo to do the reboot.
At least the website is serving cached pages, maybe if someone has a chance, the cached-pages message could be updated to explain the time we expect editing to resume.
From now on when we think about how to spend money, we should think about
this morning, and think about redundancy, which is expensive but probably necessary as we get bigger and bigger. ----- End forwarded message -----