Jimmy Wales, president of the Wikimedia Foundation and founder of Wikipedia, said he's seen Cellphedia but hasn't used the site. He said he thinks Cellphedia sounds like a great idea, and that Wikipedia is actually in talks with Nokia about creating a Wikipedia client on Nokia cell phones.
Mathias Schindler wrote:
Jimmy Wales, president of the Wikimedia Foundation and founder of Wikipedia, said he's seen Cellphedia but hasn't used the site. He said he thinks Cellphedia sounds like a great idea, and that Wikipedia is actually in talks with Nokia about creating a Wikipedia client on Nokia cell phones.
Hmmm, ich habe geschaut, aber meine erste Vermutung war falsch:
Das hier wäre so ein Kandidat... Mal sehen, ob auf http://www.maemo.org/screenshots.html bald was wikipediaartiges erscheinen wird...