Das in den letzten Wochen hochgehypte "Digital Universe" ist nun gestartet.
Einen ersten Review gibt es unter http://www.sanluisobispo.com/mld/sanluisobispo/business/technology/13653205....
Es gab durch den Betreiber nicht eine, nicht zwei sondern gleich drei Pressemitteilunegn für den Start:
Digital Universe Seeks to Become Free 'PBS of the Web' New Service to Provide Authoritative, Advertising-Free Universe of Content Mirroring the Natural World http://sev.prnewswire.com/computer-electronics/20060117/SFTU06717012006-1.ht...
ManyOne Opens Door to Fulfilling Internet's Original Potential New Organization Launches With Socially Responsible Business Model; Platform for the Digital Universe - a 'PBS of the Web' - and Syndicated Internet Service for Organizations http://sev.prnewswire.com/multimedia-online-internet/20060117/SFTU0681701200...
Renowned Experts and Institutions Join Forces With Silicon Valley Leaders to Launch 'PBS of the Web' Major Institutions Join to Build and Advise on Development of the Digital Universe http://sev.prnewswire.com/computer-electronics/20060117/SFTU06617012006-1.ht...
Dem Reviewende mit
Digital Universe needs to temporarily disappear into a black hole and re-emerge only when it's been stripped of registration requirements, unnecessarily complex animated graphics and amateurish entries.
kann ich erstmal nichts hinzufügen.