Hier die deutsche Übersetzung der Mail von James Forrester (Das Orginal findet ihr unten):
== Anfrage nach Angeboten ==
Wie immer, würde sich die Wikimedia-Community freuen, so viele gute Angebote wie möglich zu sehen. Im Moment gibt es gerade einmal zwei Angebote [1] auf Meta. Wenn du oder deine lokale Community also überlegt, eines ebenfalls hier zu veröffentlichen bzw. ein bereits gestrichenes erneut einzureichen, würde ich dich also bitten, diese so schnell wie möglich zu erledigen – es ist nicht mehr viel Zeit. Ein gutes Angebot für die Wikimania kann viel Arbeit sein, jedoch profitieren wir alle von einer guten Auswahl an Angeboten.
Ich habe den Zeitplan [2] überarbeitet, um einen (stark) verkürzten Vorangebotsprozess zu ermöglichen, was heißt, dass alle provisorischen Angebote bis spätestens 3. März 2013 23:59 UTC (4. März 2013 00:59 Mitteleuropäische Winterzeit) eingereicht werden müssen. Es sind also noch knapp drei Wochen Zeit. Das ist nicht lang, aber man muss dem ausgewählten Angebot auch noch genügend Zeit geben. Außerdem sollte die Idee, ein Angeot für Wikimanias zu erstellen, nicht komplett neu für jeden sein.
== Anfrage nach Juroren ==
Des Weiteren wollte ich Freiwillige einladen, bei der Wikimania-2014-Jury teilzunehmen. Es gibt eine Liste von generellen Anforderungen on Meta [4], zusammenfassend:
* Die Jury wird sich zum Großteil aus freiwilligen Community-Mitgliedern zusammensetzen, möglicherweise werden aber auch ein paar Mitarbeiter oder Vorstandsmitglieder der Wikimedia Foundation dabei sein * Natürlich streben wir auch hier eine breite Mischung aus Leuten von unterschiedlichen Hintergründen, Geschlechtern, Kulturen und Regionen dieser Welt an * Wir wollen auch hier die Gemeinschaften der verschiedensten Projekte und Aktivitäten repräsentiert sehen * Du kannst nicht Teil der Jury sein, wenn du an einem der Angebote mitwirkst, da dies einen Interessenskonflikt darstellt * Du solltest genügend freie Zeit während der Wahl-Periode (März-April) haben
Wenn du gerne Teil der Jury sein willst, melde dich bitte via E-Mail bei mir (offlist) unter jdforrester at gmail.com. Ich werde die Jury in knapp einer Woche bekannt geben, melde dich daher sofort.
== Hinweis == Im vergangenen Jahr – nachdem einige Diskussionen der Wikimania-Mailingliste [4] und weiteren – kam es mir vor, als hätten wir als Community gemeint, dass wir mit dem traditionellen Ad-Hoc-System der Standortvergabe unglücklich gewesen wären. Es war angedacht, etwas Anderes, einen Prozess, der die Community involviert und transparenter, klarer und eventuell auch Austragungskandidaten und -länder darlegt, anstatt einfach interessante Angebote zu erbitten. In der Hoffnung, die Community würde sich anhand dieser Richtlinien selbst organisieren, habe ich bisher nichts gemacht, um das bereits existierende System erneut herunterzuklopfen.
Wie auch immer – bisher hat keine richtige Diskussion stattgefunden und der Prozess ist jetzt bereits vier Monate im Verzug [5]. Es ist klar, dass ein Prozess, wie er von der Community vereinbart wurde, nicht einfach auf mysteriöse Weise innerhalb der nächsten paar Tage in Gang treten wird. Ich möchte die Commity anflehen, ein Auswahlsystem für 2015 und weitere zu begründen – für 2014 können wir nicht mehr warten. Daher werde ich auf Basis dessen, wie ich das bisher gemacht habe, den Prozess für Wikimania 2014 starten – als ein nicht wählender Freiwilliger Organisator, wie auch die vorherigen Male. Ich hoffe, es wird ist das letzte Mal.
Bitte leitet diese Mail an andere aus deiner Wiki Community für die weiter, die diese Mailinglisten nicht lesen (und übersetzt sie!).
[0] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014 [1] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014/Bids [5] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014_bid_selection_timeline?oldid=... [3] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_jury [4] - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2011-November/003225.html etc. [5] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014_bid_selection_timeline?oldid=...
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2014 - Request for Bids and Jury nominations Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2013 18:32:53 -0800 From: James Forrester james@jdforrester.org Reply-To: Wikimania general list (open subscription) wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org To: Wikimania general list (open subscription) wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Secondary copy for clarity:
[Please note that I send this as a volunteer, and in no connexion to the Wikimedia Foundation.]
Dear all,
I write again to ask for people to submit bids to host Wikimania in 2014[0], and also to serve on the Jury to select which bid will be chosen, in my traditonal .
== Request for bids ==
As always, the whole Wikimedia community would love to see as many good bids as possible. There are only two bids[1] on Meta, so if you or your local community are thinking about putting one in, or re-submitting one that is now withdrawn, I'd urge you to get started right away - there is very little time left. Making a good bid for Wikimania can be a lot of work, but we all benefit from there being a strong field of bids.
I have updated the timeline[2] to have an (extremely) foreshortened pre-bidding process, which means that all provisional bids must be created by 23:59 UTC 3 March 2013 at the latest - i.e., three weeks' time from when this e-mail was written. I appreciate that this is short notice, but it's very important to give the winning bid the time to make a success, and the idea of bidding for Wikimanias should not be completely new to everyone by now.
== Request for Jury volunteers ==
I would like to invite volunteers to serve on the Wikimania 2014 Jury. There is a list of general requirements on Meta[4], but to summarise:
* The Jury will be mostly community volunteers with possibly some Wikimedia Foundation staff or Board members; * We of course want a mix of people from a diverse range of backgrounds, sexes, cultures and regions of the world; * We want to represent the community across the different projects and activities; * You can't be on the Jury if you are closely involved in a Bid (it's a conflict of interest); and * You need to have some free time during the selection period (March-April).
If you wish to be involved in the Jury, please e-mail me (off-list) at jdforrester at gmail.com - I will announce the Jury in one week's time, so please contact me immediately.
== Note ==
Last year, after some discussion on the Wikimania list[4] and other places, I felt we as a community had said we were unhappy with the traditional ad-hoc system for selecting the location for each year's Wikimania, and wanted something different, a process that involved the community and was more transparent, clearer and possibly set out candidate areas or countries rather than inviting interested bids alone. In the hope that the community would self-organise along these lines, I haven't done anything to re-run the existing system.
However, no real discussion has taken place, and the process is now four months overdue[5]. It's clear that a community-agreed system won't magically snap into existence in the next few days. I would implore the community to work to establish a selection system for 2015 and beyond, but we cannot wait for 2014. Therefore, on the basis that I've done this before, I am running the process for Wikimania 2014 as before, as a non-voting organiser like the previous times. I would hope that this is the last time.
Please also consider passing this message on (and translating it!) for your wiki's community forum for those that don't read these mailing lists.
Thank you, and good luck to all Bids.
[0] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014 [1] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014/Bids [5] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014_bid_selection_timeline?oldid=... [3] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_jury [4] - http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2011-November/003225.html etc. [5] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014_bid_selection_timeline?oldid=...
On 10 February 2013 18:30, Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton@gmail.com wrote:
Maybe it's because it's 2:30 am here, but I can't figure out how to follow those instructions. Can you just fix it and resend?
On Feb 11, 2013 2:25 AM, "James Forrester" james@jdforrester.org wrote:
Oh, whoops. I moved the pre-amble down to be "notes", and somehow it's back. My apologies.
Everything between "== Preamble ==" and "However, no real discussion has taken place, and it's clear" can be ignored.
On 10 February 2013 18:22, Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton@gmail.com wrote:
I think this email has been corrupted...
On Feb 11, 2013 2:15 AM, "James Forrester" jdforrester@gmail.com wrote:
[Please note that I send this as a volunteer, and in no connexion to the Wikimedia Foundation.]
Dear all,
== Preamble ==
Last year, after some discussion on this list[0] and other places, I felt we as a community had said we were unhappy with the traditional ad-hoc system for selecting the location for each year's Wikimania, and wanted something different, a process that involved the community and was more transparent, clearer and possibly set out candidate areas or countries rather than inviting interested bids alone. In the hope that the community would self-organise along these lines, I haven't done anything to re-run the existing system.
However, no real discussion has taken place, and it's clear
[0] -
http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2011-November/003225.html etc.
It's getting towards the end of November, which means it is time to run the Wikimania bidding process for 2013[0].
Given the traditional absence of a formal system, I'm putting myself forward as Jury[1] co-ordinator - a non-voting person who helps the Jury form and Bids get started up, sets the timeline[2], and hopefully makes sure everything happens smoothly.
In this role, I would like to make two requests:
Firstly, I'm sure the whole Wikimedia community would love to see as many good bids as possible. There are already a few bids[3] on Meta, but if you or your local community are thinking about putting one in, I'd urge you to get started now - there's not much time left before new bids will not be accepted. Making a good bid for Wikimania can be a lot of work, but we all benefit from there being a strong field of bids.
Secondly, [Please note that I send this as a volunteer, and in no connexion to the Wikimedia Foundation.]
Dear all,
I write again to ask for people to submit bids to host Wikimania in 2014[0], and also to serve on the Jury to select which bid will be chosen, in my traditonal .
== Request for bids ==
As always, the whole Wikimedia community would love to see as many good bids as possible. There are only two bids[1] on Meta, so if you or your local community are thinking about putting one in, or re-submitting one that is now withdrawn, I'd urge you to get started right away - there is very little time left. Making a good bid for Wikimania can be a lot of work, but we all benefit from there being a strong field of bids.
I have updated the timeline[2] to have an (extremely) foreshortened pre-bidding process, which means that all provisional bids must be created by 23:59 UTC 3 March 2013 at the latest - i.e., three weeks' time from when this e-mail was written. I appreciate that this is short notice, but it's very important to give the winning bid the time to make a success, and the idea of bidding for Wikimanias should not be completely new to everyone by now.
== Request for Jury volunteers ==
I would like to invite volunteers to serve on the Wikimania 2014 Jury. There is a list of general requirements on Meta[4], but to summarise:
- The Jury will be mostly community volunteers with possibly some
Wikimedia Foundation staff or Board members;
- We of course want a mix of people from a diverse range of
backgrounds, sexes, cultures and regions of the world;
- We want to represent the community across the different projects and
- You can't be on the Jury if you are closely involved in a Bid (it's
a conflict of interest); and
- You need to have some free time during the selection period
If you wish to be involved in the Jury, please e-mail me (off-list) at jdforrester at gmail.com - I will announce the Jury in one week's time, so please contact me immediately.
== Note ==
Last year, after some discussion on the Wikimania list[4] and other places, I felt we as a community had said we were unhappy with the traditional ad-hoc system for selecting the location for each year's Wikimania, and wanted something different, a process that involved the community and was more transparent, clearer and possibly set out candidate areas or countries rather than inviting interested bids alone. In the hope that the community would self-organise along these lines, I haven't done anything to re-run the existing system.
However, no real discussion has taken place, and the process is now four months overdue[5]. It's clear that a community-agreed system won't magically snap into existence in the next few days. I would implore the community to work to establish a selection system for 2015 and beyond, but we cannot wait for 2014. Therefore, on the basis that I've done this before, I am running the process for Wikimania 2014 as before, as a non-voting organiser like the previous times. I would hope that this is the last time.
Please also consider passing this message on (and translating it!) for your wiki's community forum for those that don't read these mailing lists.
Thank you, and good luck to all Bids.
[0] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014 [1] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014/Bids [5] -
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_2014_bid_selection_timeline?oldid=... [3] - https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_jury [4] -
http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimania-l/2011-November/003225.html etc. [5] -
James D. Forrester jdforrester@gmail.com [[Wikipedia:User:Jdforrester|James F.]] (speaking purely in a personal capacity)
Wikimania-l mailing list Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
Wikimania-l mailing list Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
-- James D. Forrester jdforrester@gmail.com [[Wikipedia:User:Jdforrester|James F.]] (speaking purely in a personal capacity)
Wikimania-l mailing list Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
Wikimania-l mailing list Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l
-- James D. Forrester jdforrester@gmail.com [[Wikipedia:User:Jdforrester|James F.]] (speaking purely in a personal capacity)
_______________________________________________ Wikimania-l mailing list Wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimania-l