Kurzer Reminder:
Noch bis zum 12. Januar 2013 werden Kandidatinnen und Kandidaten für das Affiliations Committee gesucht. Nicht nur die Erweiterung der Zuständigkeit auf thematische Organisationen und Usergruppen macht die Arbeit im Komitee sehr interessant, sie gewährt auch einen tollen Einblick in die internationale Zusammenarbeit der Wikimedia-Bewegung.
Beste Grüße und viel Erfolg, Nicole
On 12 December 2012 14:46, Nicole Ebber nicole.ebber@wikimedia.de wrote:
Hallo zusammen,
das Affiliations Committee[1], welches neue Chapter, Benutzergruppen und Themenorganisationen bei der Gründung und der offiziellen Anerkennung durch die Foundation begleitet und unterstützt, sucht neue Mitglieder[2].
Ab sofort können interessierte Freiwillige kandidieren, die Lust und Interesse haben an der Kommunikation mit Freiwilligen aus der ganzen Welt. Kandidat_innen sollten Verhandlungsgeschick, Erfahrung in internationaler Zusammenarbeit ODER ein juristisches Grundverständnis mitbringen und keine Angst vor Bürokratie haben.
Ansprechpartner sind Lodewijk Gelauff und Bence Damokos, bei Fragen könnt ihr euch auch gerne an mich wenden. Außerdem bitten die jetzigen Mitglieder um Unterstützung bei der Verbreitung des Kandidatenaufrufes. Sagt also ruhig auch anderen potentiell Interessierten Bescheid oder verteilt den Aufruf über eure Social-Media-Kanäle.
Schönen Dank und besten Gruß Nicole
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/de [2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/Call_for_Candidates_20...
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Bence Damokos bdamokos@gmail.com Date: 12 December 2012 13:48 Subject: [Wikimedia-l] The Affiliations Committee needs you! To: wikimediaannounce-l WikimediaAnnounce-l@lists.wikimedia.org, Wikimedia Mailing List wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Dear all,
The Affiliations Committee [1], the committee that is responsible for guiding volunteers in establishing Chapters, User Groups and Thematic Organizations ("affiliates" in short) and approving them when they are ready is looking for about 6 new members.
The main focus of AffCom is to guide groups of volunteers in forming affiliates. We make sure that the group is large enough to be viable (and advise them on how to get bigger), review bylaws for compliance with the requirements and best practices, and advise the Board of the Wikimedia Foundation on issues connected to Chapters, Thematic Organizations and User Groups.
This requires communication with volunteers all over the World, negotiating skills and cultural sensitivity and the ability to understand legal texts. We try to get a healthy mix of different skill sets in our members.
Key skills/experience that we are looking for in candidate members, are typically:
- Excitement by the challenge of helping to empower groups of
volunteers worldwide
- Willingness to work in a sometimes bureaucratic, sometimes political
- 4 hours per week availability[2]
- International orientation
- Very good communication skills in English
- Ability to work and communicate with other cultures
- Strong understanding of the structure and work of affiliates and the WMF
- Communication skills in other languages are a major plus
- Experience with or in an active affiliate is a major plus
With the help of the Affiliations Committee, 2012 has been an exciting year of transformation for the movement with the introduction of new types of affiliation. This means that the workload of the Committee has increased and diversified and help is wanted! Currently many applications to become a Chapter, Thematic Organization or User Group are in the pipeline and can use your attention and dedication!
You can send your applications with your name, contact data (e-mail, wiki username), experience and motivation to join to the AffCom email address, affcom AT lists DOT wikimedia DOT org by January 12, 2013. You will get a confirmation that your application came through.
Members are usually selected every twelve months for staggered two year terms. The applications will be considered by the current members and outgoing members and Committee advisers, who are not seeking re-selection.
Since I will be a candidate for re-selection myself, this process will be managed by another committee member, Lodewijk Gelauff. I hope for many suitable applications. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me or Lodewijk[3] privately. We are happy to chat or have a phone call with anyone about our work, if this helps them decide to apply.
Please distribute this call among your networks, and do apply if you are interested.
Best regards, Bence Damokos Chair, Affiliations Committee
[1]: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee (please follow the links and familiarize yourself with our work) [2]: Our member standards of participation are at:
http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/Resolutions/Standard_o... [3]: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:EmailUser/Effeietsanders
Wikimedia-l mailing list Wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org Unsubscribe: https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimedia-l
-- Nicole Ebber Projektmanagerin
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