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Dedicated to Digital Heritage
CALL for Participation
You are kindly invited to the 3rd International Conference EuroMed2010 (www.euromed2010.eu) which will provide an opportunity to exchange research results, opinions, experiences and proposals on the best practice and hi-tech virtual, multimedia, and Information and Communications Technologies to document, preserve, manage and communicate Cultural Heritage (CH). In the long tradition of the EuroMed2010 Activities, this cross-disciplinary event brings together computer scientists,archaeologists, architects, librarians, archivists, software developers, game designers, historians, surveyors, museologists, and engineers from across the globe around this year’s common theme of technology applied to heritage.
To be held at the 5-star Amathus Beach Hotel in Limassol, Cyprus, the Conference is supported by a Scientific Committee of more than 100 renowned professionals for a blind peer review of all submitted papers. The main goal of the event is not only to illustrate the programs underway but also excellent work wherever it is located and however it is supported, in order to promote a common approach to the tasks of e-documentation of World Heritage. To reach this ambitious goal the topics covered will include experiences in the use of innovative recording technologies & methods and how to take best advantage to integrate the results obtained to build up new tools and/or experiences as well as improved methodologies for documenting, managing, and communicating heritage. Furthermore, regional capacities in Cultural Heritage and IT will be facilitated in advancing their know-how through the exchange of information and generation of new ideas and cooperations, where the world meets th e finger prints of several ancient civilizations on earth.
The conference is in cooperation with:
The European Digital Library Foundation (Europeana) and the European Commission Projects:
1.. MINERVA+ (http://www.minervaeurope.org/whatis/minervaplus.htm)
2.. MICHAEL+ (http://www.michael-culture.org/en/home)
3.. The EU Member States' Expert Group on Digitization and Digital Preservation. (http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/digital_libraries/mseg/in...)
4.. ATHENA (http://www.athenaeurope.org/)
5.. EuroepeanaLocal (http://www.europeanalocal.eu/)
6.. Carrare (http://www.carare.eu/)
The EuroMed2010 event will focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research concerning both cutting edge Cultural Heritage Informatics and use of technology for the representation, documentation, preservation, archiving and communication of CH knowledge. The scope includes every phase of CH information technology: initial data capture/digitization, information/data processing, reconstruction, visualization, preservation and documentation as well as dissemination of results to the scientific and Cultural Heritage communities and to the general public (Multilingual, Multimedia Digital Library). We are also interested in aspects of the wider legal and ethical responsibilities of Cultural Heritage Informatics. Research subjects parallel the interests of UNESCO, European Commission, ICOMOS/ISPRS, CIPA, ICOMOS, ICIP, and EuroMed including culturally significant monuments, artifacts and sites as well as the activities of museums, libraries, archives, and organi zations involved with their care. Those researchers who wish to participate in this event are invited to submit papers on original and unpublished work addressing the following subjects:
Documentation, Recording, and Monitoring
1.. 3D Data Acquisition Technologies & Processing (incl. Photogrammetry & 3D Laserscanning)
2.. Photographic and image-based recording (digital, panoramic, HDR, satellite, aerial)
3.. Scanning and automated archiving
4.. On-site and remotely sensed data collection
5.. ICT assistance in monitoring and restoration.
Data Mapping, Management, Processing, and Analysis
1.. 2D and 3D GIS in Cultural Heritage
2.. Multimedia, Multilingua, Data Management and Archiving
3.. CAD and FEM based Digital Reconstructions and 3D Modelling
4.. Construction and indexing of large scale Multimedia/Multilingua Encyclopaedias in Heritage
5.. Standards, Metadata, Ontologies and Semantic Processing in Cultural Heritage
6.. Long term availability of content and its long term accessibility
7.. Legal issues: Water-Marking, Orphan Works, Copyrights and IPR
8.. Authentication, Accreditation and Digital Rights Management
9.. Effective IC-Technologies for the creation, management and reuse of content and knowledge
Visualization, Interpretation and Presentation
1.. Virtual Museum Applications (e-Museums and e-Exhibitions) and/or Portals of Culture
2.. Visualisation Techniques (desktop, Virtual and Augmented Reality)
3.. Reproduction Techniques and Rapid Prototyping in CH
4.. Game Technologies in Cultural Heritage
5.. Virtual Reality in Archaeology and Historical Research
6.. Computer Animation for CH Applications and Virtual Heritage
7.. Non-Photorealistic Rendering of CH Data
8.. Digital/Virtual Documentation of Archaeological Excavations
9.. Novel Internet-based Cultural Heritage Applications
10.. Usability, Effectiveness and Interface Design for CH Applications
11.. Innovative Graphics Applications and Techniques
12.. Interactive Environments and Applications
13.. e-Libraries and e-Archives in Cultural Heritage
14.. National Digital Libraries as cross-domain systems
15.. Storytelling and authoring tools, e-Learning in Cultural Heritage
16.. Tools for Education, Documentation and Training in CH
17.. Archaeological Analysis and Interpretive Design
18.. Professional and Ethical Guidelines
19.. The Economics of Cultural Informatics and Tourism
EuroMed2010 will be held in Limassol, Cyprus at the renowned Amathus Beach Hotel, a 5-star world class resort and one of The Leading Hotels of the World. Special rates for attendees and their families have been arranged and are available on the conference website: www.euromed2010.eu.
The deadline for the early registration is the 10th of September 2010. The conference registration is on-line under http://www.euromed2010.eu/registration-info-and-form/
Travelling to Cyprus:
All the information related to your travel to Cyprus are available on-line and can be found under the link: http://www.euromed2010.eu/travelling-to-cyprus/
Cyprus Airways is the official carrier of the conference and is offering to all the registered participants 15% discount to all the flights from/to Cyprus.
Regards, Marinos Ioannides (CY) and Dieter Fellner (DE) www.euromed2010.eu Email: chairman@euromed2010.eu