when I am logged in non-permanently on MediaWiki 1.6.8 (with LDAP-Auth and
PageProtecion) and edit an article for over one hour (e.g. start editing, go to
a meeting and leave the window unchanged, come back and finish article or also
if I spend one hour with pure writing and editing the article) I receive the
error-message that I am currently not logged on, when I want to save the
article. Logging in again with the given link as well as navigating with the
browser's back-button, flushes the cache (maybe because of the disablecache() in
PageProtection) without saving my changes. So my work of at least one hour is
I don't know why MediaWiki has a timeout with runs out after one hour and I also
don't know how to configure this value.
Does anybody know, which parameter is reasonable for this behavior?
Thank you in advance,
kind regards,