Has anyone forwarded this to this list yet?
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Iolanda Pensa iolanda@pensa.it Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2011 at 1:40 AM Subject: [cultural-partners] call for wikipedian in residence in Cape Town To: Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination < cultural-partners@wikimedia.ch> Cc: Isla Haddow-Flood islahf@africacentre.net
dear all please find the call for a wikipedian in residence in Cape Town here https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srci... The Africa Centre is promoting and financing it. Your feedback would be really important to improve the call and to make the best out of it. I'll forward your remarks to Isla Haddow-Flood or please do not hesitate to contact her directly (Isla Haddow-Flood islahf@africacentre.net in cc). my very best regards iolanda/iopensa
---- The Africa Centre manages WikiAfrica / Share Your Knowledge in Africa; lettera27 currently manages WikiAfrica / Share Your African Knowledge in Europe, US and Canada. We are right now finalizing several collaborations with cultural institutions and wikimedia chapters; the list will be available in 2012. For WikiAfrica we are currently working to involve on wikipedia and in the GLAM project 50 cultural institutions based in Africa or with contents related to Africa.
*Network - Current Status 25/10/2011* * Wikimedia: we had a positive feedback from Spain, UK, Switzerland, Germany; no responses jet from Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal. Waiting for a replay from Serbia. Interest from France but several issues to be discussed and clarified; we are currently waiting for a reply. The project is developed within a long collaboration with Wikimedia Italy. we have been in contact with Wikimedia Canada to establish a collaboration between them and the ROM Royal Ontario Museum. We informed Wikimedia Foundation and we are discussing possibilities for their support to the African side of the project and the follow up.The discussion with Wikimedia associations was done outside of the mailing lists; an e-mail informing about the project was sent to the cultural partnership mailing list (20/09/2011). The Africa Centre is in contact with Wikimedia South Africa and Wikimedia Kenya.
* Institutions: apart from the institutions with ** and * listed in the project description with which we are already in contact; we had a very good reaction from the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervuren and from the Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa (IARA) Faculty of Social Sciences / Catholic University of Leuven (with a very nice letter of support from Filip De Boeck); good support from Iwalewa-Haus / University of Bayreuth. No French institutions have been contacted or recontacted jet. We are currently collaborating in Italy with 10 institutions. here pilot project we developed in 2011 and that we are still currently working on is Share Your Knowledge ( http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:WikiAfrica/Share_Your_Knowledge). here a list of the institutions we are currently collaborating with http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:WikiAfrica/Istituzioni. A press
* Institutions the Africa Centre based in Cape Town is planning to involve in WikiAfrica: Timbuktu Manuscripts, Mali, via the UCT digitisation project TomboUCTto ((http://www.tombouctoumanuscripts.org/about/project/ <http://http: www.tombouctoumanuscripts.org/about/project/> ); Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egypt (http://www.bibalex.org/ <http:// http:www.bibalex.org/> ); Robben Island Museum, South Africa (http://www.robben-island.org.za/ <http://http: www.robben-island.org.za/> ); M-Net’s Africa Film Library ( http://www.africanfilmlibrary.com/ <http:// http: www.africanfilmlibrary.com/>); Sithengi’s 10 years of Film Festivals (this is available in archival format which I have, but need to get authority from the organisation); African Documentaries via Encounters ( www.encounters.co.za ); South African galleries / IZIKO ( http://www.iziko.org.za/ <http:// http:www.iziko.org.za/> ); South African History Online (www.sa http://www.sahistory.org.za/historyhttp://www.sahistory.org.za/ .org.za http://www.sahistory.org.za/); Africa South Art Initiative ( www.asai.co.za); Journalist partner : Highway Africa ( http://www.highwayafrica.com/ <http:// http:www.highwayafrica.com/> )
* People and institutions we contacted to get a general feedback on WikiAfrica and Share Your African Knowledge: positive feedback from Open Knowledge Foundation (Jonathan Gray), Creative Commons Italy / Centro NEXA (Federico Morando); interest on the idea of implementing the project in Africa from Africa Centre, Wikimedia Kenya (Isaac Kosgei - also interested in collaborating as wikipedian in residence), Nhlanhla Mabaso, Heather Ford (suggesting to focus on African contributors and providing advices for institutions based in South Africa and Africa).
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