Hi all,
Now that we're incorporated, we need to grow our membership so as to
achieve critical mass.
According to the consititution, "Any person who makes a written
application to become a member of the company and whose application is
accepted by the directors shall be and become a member of the
Dumisani has expressed interest and been welcomed on the email lists,
but I'd like to get confirmation that he has been formally accepted as
a member. I support his membership.
Maarten has asked how he can become a member, which I take to be a
written request, and I also support his membership.
I am sure that if we ask Douglas whether he wants to be a member,
he'll join, and I'd like to ask pre-emptively whether anyone has an
objection to his membership.
I'd also like us to agree on a membership process. One reasonable way
to approach this would be to require a prospective member to contact a
board member or post directly to the WMZA list. A director can then
approve his or her membership tenatively with a posting to the board
list - with no objections within two weeks, or with all directors'
agreement, that director should then be allowed to approve the
membership request formally. Please give me your feedback on this
In terms of getting new members, we urgently need to get more
Wikimedia project people into the organisation. We can do this by
advertising on the wikis.
Wikiproject South Africa:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_South_Africa The
Wikiproject South Africa is quite active, and I think we should all
join it, and announce any meetups on the project page.
We should try to get banners on South African language Wikis ASAP:
The only really active one is Afrikaans: http://af.wikipedia.org . We
have none of the more active af-wiki editors in our membership, which
is a shame. I'm sure we can fix this soon by simply approaching them
and letting them know who we are and what we're doing.
Registered but less active:
http://nso.wikipedia.org - Sepedi Wikipedia has 568 pages, but not
very many active editors. I see Mohau has been editing a bit there.
http://zu.wikipedia.org - isiZulu Wikipedia has 543 pages, and a
relatively similar state to Sepedi.
http://tn.wikipedia.org - Setswana Wikipedia has 491 pages, but not
very much seems to be going on there since the Google challenge
http://ss.wikipedia.org - siSwati Wikipedia has 361 pages, slightly
less active than Sepedi and isiZulu
http://ts.wikipedia.org - Xitsonga Wikipedia only has 193 pages, but
seems to have more activity recently, and has a nicer-looking front
page than many similar-sized minor language Wikipedias. I see
Dumisani (Thuvack) has been active there, maybe he can help connect
with the community.
http://ve.wikipedia.org - tshiVenda Wikipedia has 190 pages, but
doesn't seem active at all at the moment.
http://st.wikipedia.org - Sesotho Wikipedia has 145 pages, but doesn't
seem very active.
http://xh.wikipedia.org - isiXhosa Wikipedia has 136 pages, but is not
active lately.
If we can manage to connect to active users in these Wikipedias, we
might be able to get them to write a note on the front page asking
users to connect with us, to build community connections.
http://incubator.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wp/nr/Main_Page - Southern Ndebele
has one article, about the National Language Service, so I doubt
there's a community to work with.
I think we should also ask for a geolocated banner ad: this way anyone
who uses Wikipedia in South Africa can be alerted to our existence,
and hopefully we'll get some traction.
Kind regards,
David Richfield
Hi Everyone.
I am greatly pertubed at Charlene's reponse to the grant report. I
have seen this posted on the grant report page itself. I have since
moved it to the report's sub page with my response as follows:
My Response:
I was at this meeting on the said date, and I do not see any sinister
behavior by either Lourie or myself. We weere at the engineering
building through a special pass into their cumputer lab as I was a
student there some years ago. We worked on the Wiki Loves Monuments
project (The budget) till 17h45 and still waited for you some more
minutes. I dont think that you have posted correct times for these
On issues of governance and operations... I am glad that you have
aired your opinions of Lourie. But I want to state categorically that
I have different opinion of Lourie with regards to the above
accusation. He has been open and consistent and has dedicated
countless hours including his own money in organising this
competition. His dedication and commitment to the "Wiki Loves
monuments" competition and WMZA chapter has been truly examplary
despite his extreemly demanding student commitments and one of the
reasons I chose to get involved in both activities. In the two months
of my involvement, I have not received any measurable input from
yourself towards Wiki Loves monuments or Wikimedia ZA. If there is
anyone's "governance and or operations" abilitities that are in
serious doubt, in my humble view... they are yours. --Thuvack (talk)
16:50, 29 July 2012 (UTC)
On 7/29/12, wikimediaza-request(a)lists.wikimedia.org
<wikimediaza-request(a)lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:
> Send WikimediaZA mailing list submissions to
> wikimediaza(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wikimediaza
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> wikimediaza-request(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> wikimediaza-owner(a)lists.wikimedia.org
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of WikimediaZA digest..."
> Today's Topics:
> 1. Gauteng meeting report (general list) (Lourie Pieterse)
> 2. remove me (Ashraf Patel)
> 3. Re: remove me (Lourie Pieterse)
> 4. Re: Gauteng meeting report (general list) (Charlene Foster)
> 5. Re: Gauteng meeting report (general list) (Douglas Scott)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 14:21:46 +0100 (BST)
> From: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
> To: WikimediaZA <wikimediaza(a)lists.wikimedia.org>, Charlene Foster
> <afrastocracy(a)gmail.com>
> Cc: WikimediaZA Board <wikimedia-za-board(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
> Subject: [Wikimedia ZA] Gauteng meeting report (general list)
> Message-ID:
> <1343568106.52232.YahooMailNeo(a)web133002.mail.ir2.yahoo.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hello everyone
> I managed to complete the report for the Gauteng
> meeting:?http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:WM_ZA/Gauteng_meeting/Report.
> The actual receipts of the expenses was only send to the board list, as it
> contains personal information about myself. In the report you can see the
> details regarding the specific expenses and also the?remaining?balance for
> this grant. We asked the WMF whether we can?transfer?this amount for use in
> Wiki Loves Monuments. As soon as my questions are?answered?by Charlene
> regarding the bank account I will transfer the remaining balance, because
> currently it seems to me that we?might?have problems accessing the money
> should it be?transferred?to this account. Feel free to ask me if there are
> any questions regarding this report.
> Kind regards
> Lourie
Hello everyone
In the last few days my plate decided to start overflowing with things that need my attention. :( For now I must first give attention to these tasks and will therefore be absent from helping with WLM for the next few days. With some luck (and maybe also time dilation) I might be back by the weekend. I am mentioning this because I promised for quite some time now to complete the documentation (http://wikilovesmonuments.co.za/wiki/How_to_participate). Lately my Wiki-time consisted of replying to endless amounts of emails. Many thanks to Dumisani who promptly and thoroughly responded to the questions regarding our WLM grant (http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:WM_ZA/Wiki_Loves_Monuments) on Meta!
Kind regards
Below is a an email that I got from the Open Data and Democracy Initiative
about a hackathon they are organising that I thought some of you might be
interested in knowing about. Everyone is invited to attend.
"The Open Data and Democracy Initiative (ODADI) is inviting Cape Town's top
programmers, designers, journalists, and social activists to their
inaugural event, the "Coding for Democracy" Hackathon on 3-5 August, Cape
Town CBD. R25,000 in prizes will be awarded to winning solutions.
ODADI is an open, non-partisan community of citizens, technologists,
journalists, and activists dedicated to developing and applying practical
open technology and promoting open data. ODADI is committed to working with
Government and the private sector to promote transparency and
accountability in South Africa. We believe that greater public access to
government and non-government data can help make that happen.
The purpose of the hackathon is to generate widespread interest and
awareness among programmers, the media, activists, and other constituencies
in South Africa and begin developing of a wide range of open data solutions
to help make government services more open and efficient. Any solution
developed will be non-proprietary and made available on the event’s website
and/or other channels, and free for anyone to use, adapt or apply.
Submissions may be any kind of software application, be it for the web, a
personal computer, a mobile handheld device, console, SMS, or any software
platform broadly available to the public. Participation is free.
Please visit the website www.codingfordemocracy.org for more information
and to RSVP to the event."
Douglas Ian Scott
Skype: douglas0scott
UK mobile number: +44 (0)755 452 5277
Chinese mobile number: +86 1 364 330 7351
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 872
Hello everyone
I managed to complete the report for the Gauteng meeting: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:WM_ZA/Gauteng_meeting/Report.
The actual receipts of the expenses was only send to the board list, as it contains personal information about myself. In the report you can see the details regarding the specific expenses and also the remaining balance for this grant. We asked the WMF whether we can transfer this amount for use in Wiki Loves Monuments. As soon as my questions are answered by Charlene regarding the bank account I will transfer the remaining balance, because currently it seems to me that we might have problems accessing the money should it be transferred to this account. Feel free to ask me if there are any questions regarding this report.
Kind regards
Hie WikimediaZA
I feel very much honored to have subscribed to your mailing list.May i ask
if SA has got some Articles written in Sotho/Tswana language and that am i
allowed to contribute to the existing articles written in either of the
Thank you
Oarabile Mudongo
Hello Blessing
After I mentioned this meeting on the list only you and Nhlanhla indicated that you are interested. To this I responded and asked whether we can meet on the Thursday before the initial planned meeting with the NHC on the Friday: http://lists.wikimedia.org/pipermail/wikimediaza/2012-July/000517.html. Unfortunately I did not get any responses to this. Keep in mind, the list software work in such a manner that if a recipient is subscribed to the list, this person is removed from being copied using "carbon copying", as this person will then receive the message twice.
These meetings are not for specific people, anyone can attended. That is one of the principles of Wikimedia, to include everyone on what is happening. That is why we normally prefer to use public mailing lists. I hope this answered your questions. I very happy to hear that your organisation is supporting us in full and we should definitely make a plan to meet sometime and discuss potential strategies to get more South Africans involved in our projects!
Kind regards
> From: Blessing Chataira <blessing(a)itoca.org>
>To: 'Douglas Scott' <douglas.i.scott(a)gmail.com>
>Cc: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 10:52 AM
>Subject: RE: [Wikimedia ZA] Gauteng meeting report (general list)
>Hello Douglas and Lourie
>May you clarify some things for me. I know I travel and am involved in my own work. However, I am enthusiastic about WMZA and WLM and have been available for anything that needs to be done. I receive most of the communication and I had availed myself for the Gauteng meeting and even indicated this to our Wikimedia contacts that we work with in my organization. I communicated that I was available, now I am a bit left wondering after getting the report that the meeting was done. May you clarify if meetings are for specific people, so that it is easier to follow and plan. I understand that Wiki is a voluntary organization and for WMZA to grow there needs to be more volunteers. May you clarify? We are in full support for helping WMZA grow.
>Kind Regards
>Programme Officer
>ITOCA | Information Training & Outreach Centre for Africa
>Block 12, Lords Office Estate, 276 West Avenue
>P.O Box 11632, Die Hoewes, 0163, Centurion
>South Africa
>Tel: +27 12 6634062
>Fax: +27 12 6634052
>Skype: chataira
>Twitter: blessinfo
>Web: www.itoca.org
>From:wikimediaza-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org [mailto:wikimediaza-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org] On Behalf Of Douglas Scott
>Sent: Sunday, July 29, 2012 6:49 PM
>To: Lourie Pieterse
>Cc: WikimediaZA; WikimediaZA Board
>Subject: Re: [Wikimedia ZA] Gauteng meeting report (general list)
>Hi Lourie,
>The report looks good, just one question, how many airline tickets were bought in the end? Just one or two? Could the number(s) be reflected in the expenses table?
>Good going on the meeting everyone and sorry I was not able to make it. And thank you Lourie, Isla, Dumi and everyone else for all the hard work you are putting into this.
>On a general side note for everyone on our mailing list, and I would like to get everyone's input on this and I don't mean to targe anyone in this, but I am not so sure that the public mailing list for Wikimedia ZA is the best place to be airing misunderstandings between members. Perhaps a more direct exchange between the concernd parties to sort these sorts of things out might be more efficient and a public airing be more of a last ditch attempt? After all a dispute on a public mailing list can become distracting from our core goals for everyone else on the list.
>On 29 July 2012 15:21, Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com> wrote:
>Hello everyone
>I managed to complete the report for the Gauteng meeting: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:WM_ZA/Gauteng_meeting/Report.
>The actual receipts of the expenses was only send to the board list, as it contains personal information about myself. In the report you can see the details regarding the specific expenses and also the remaining balance for this grant. We asked the WMF whether we can transfer this amount for use in Wiki Loves Monuments. As soon as my questions are answered by Charlene regarding the bank account I will transfer the remaining balance, because currently it seems to me that we might have problems accessing the money should it be transferred to this account. Feel free to ask me if there are any questions regarding this report.
>Kind regards
>WikimediaZA mailing list
>Douglas Ian Scott
>Skype: douglas0scott
>UK mobile number: +44 (0)755 452 5277
>Chinese mobile number: +86 1 364 330 7351
>South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 872
I needed to make a few small changes to remove the background, but it should be fine now. See on site:
> From: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>
>To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>Cc: WikimediaZA <wikimediaza(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
>Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 4:14 PM
>Subject: Re: WLM-ZA Logo
>Re: WLM-ZA Logo
>Hi Lourie
>I created it in photoshop and not in ai or another vector creator, so it doesn’t easily convert to svg. I have it attached as a large jpeg format and a smaller .png format. Please use whichever you wish. Just let me know if you need any other versions that are not svg!
>: :
>Isla Haddow-Flood
>Marketing and Communications Manager
>Project Manager : WikiAfrica
>a.5th Floor, 28 St George’s Mall, Cape Town w.www.africacentre.net
>t.+27 87 150 5446 f. +27 21 418 5385 skype. islahaddow
>The Africa Centre is a non-profit social innovator that provides a platform for
>exploring contemporary Pan-African cultural practice as a catalyst for social change.
>From: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>Date: Mon, 30 Jul 2012 14:29:24 +0100 (BST)
>To: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>
>Cc: WikimediaZA <wikimediaza(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
>Subject: WLM-ZA Logo
>Oh okay, happy to hear that. I agree, the font will look good and puts some emphasis on "South Africa". No need to try out the block font then! I also looked around online and we are allowed to use our own versions of the logo. I was initially afraid that we might only be allowed to use the original. Can you please send me the SVG version? I will then implement it on our website. Thanks for the trouble.
>Kind regards
>PS: I have attached a smaller version so that the rest of the people on the list can see how it looks. :)
>> From: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>
>> To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>>Cc: Blessing Chataira <blessing(a)itoca.org>; Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott(a)gmail.com>; "davidrichfield(a)gmail.com" <davidrichfield(a)gmail.com>; "dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za" <dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za>
>> Sent: Monday, July 30, 2012 11:17 AM
>> Subject: Re: Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>Re: Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>Hi Lourie
>>The font I used for South Africa is the free font, Linux Libertine - which is the Wikipedia font. I also think that if I used the same font as the ones above it would look very blocky and that South Africa would get lost. But I will give it a try.
>>: :
>>Isla Haddow-Flood
>>Marketing and Communications Manager
>>Project Manager : WikiAfrica
>>a.5th Floor, 28 St George’s Mall, Cape Town w.www.africacentre.net <http://www.africacentre.net/>
>>t.+27 87 150 5446 f. +27 21 418 5385 skype. islahaddow
>>The Africa Centre is a non-profit social innovator that provides a platform for
>>exploring contemporary Pan-African cultural practice as a catalyst for social change.
>>From: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>>Reply-To: Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>
>>Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 14:41:58 +0100 (BST)
>>To: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>
>>Cc: Blessing Chataira <blessing(a)itoca.org>, Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott(a)gmail.com>, "davidrichfield(a)gmail.com" <davidrichfield(a)gmail.com>, "dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za" <dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za>
>>Subject: Re: Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>They look quite nice Isla! The font you used; is it a free font? Also, isn't it maybe possible to use the same font as used for the other text?
>>> From: "dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za" <dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za>
>>> To: Isla Haddow-flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>; Lourie Pieterse <louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>; Douglas Scott <douglas.i.scott(a)gmail.com>; David Richfield <davidrichfield(a)gmail.com>; Blessing Chataira <blessing(a)itoca.org>
>>> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 12:15 PM
>>> Subject: Re: Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>>Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>>Hi Isla
>>>I like these very much! I recommend that we use them on our web page and our social media pages.
>>>Well done!
>>>Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device
>>>From: Isla Haddow-Flood <islahf(a)africacentre.net>
>>>Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2012 11:05:55 +0200
>>>To: dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za<dumisanin(a)iburst.co.za>; Lourie Pieterse<louriepieterse(a)yahoo.com>; Douglas Scott<douglas.i.scott(a)gmail.com>; davidrichfield(a)gmail.com<davidrichfield(a)gmail.com>; Blessing Chataira<blessing(a)itoca.org>
>>>Subject: Wiki Love Monuments ZA
>>>Dear all
>>>Have been playing with the WLM logo and wonder what you thought of this one attached.
>>>Let me know.
>>>: :
>>>Isla Haddow-Flood
>>>Marketing and Communications Manager
>>>Project Manager : WikiAfrica
>>>a.5th Floor, 28 St George’s Mall, Cape Town w.www.africacentre.net <http://www.africacentre.net/>
>>>t.+27 87 150 5446 f. +27 21 418 5385 skype. islahaddow
>>>The Africa Centre is a non-profit social innovator that provides a platform for
>>>exploring contemporary Pan-African cultural practice as a catalyst for social change.
[Description: Description: cid:image001.gif@01CD0120.699A17E0]
[Description: Description: cid:image002.jpg@01CD0120.699A17E0]
Mr Nico Baird
Instructional Designer Multi Media
eLearning and Educational Technology, Academic Development and Support
Tel: +27 51 507 3819 | Fax: +27 086 5000 700 |
E-mail: nbaird(a)cut.ac.za
Central University of Technology, Free State (CUT)
Private Bag X20539, Bloemfontein, 9300, South Africa
This e-mail is subjected to the disclaimer that can be viewed at:
* http://www.cut.ac.za/www/disclaimer/email_disclaimer