Hello everyone,
We will be hosting our upcoming meetup for the South African community that
will be happening on Saturday 24 September 2022. Below are the details for
joining the 22nd online South African community meetup. If you have any
questions about Wikipedia, the community, what is going on generally, or
you just want to hang out you are welcome to join and participate.
*Date: Saturday, 24 September 2022*
*Start time:10:00 AM SAST*
*End Time: 12:00 PM SAST*
*Location: Online Meeting*
We will still be using our new Discord channel as our meeting location this
time (see link below). If that does not work for you then don't worry, you
can still join via Zulip at the link below for a more text-based experience.
Link to Join
For a more text-based experience.
Zulip <https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/login/>: Note registration is
Best regards,
Shupai Mchuchu
Chapter Administrator
Wikimedia South Africa NPC
Website: wikimedia.org.za
Phone:(+27) 073 440 7852
Discord <https://discord.com/invite/HwBwHWWurr>| Zulip
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaZA>
A non-profit membership organisation
Hello everyone,
This is an official notification that Wikimedia South Africa's Annual
General Meeting (AGM) will be happening in 36 days from now on *Saturday,
October 1, 2022 from 10:00 to 14:00 SAST* (with a one hour break at 12:00
for lunch). Below is a basic outline of how the AGM will proceed; a more
complete agenda will be sent closer to the date:
- 10:00 - 12:00: Chapter discussions, past year in review, future
projects, other issues
- 12:00-13:00: Break for lunch
- 13:00-14:00: Election of a new board for the financial year 2022/23
Use this Zoom link to join the event on the day:
Please RSVP for the AGM at this link, you will also be able to select a
proxy to represent you should you not be able to attend the AGM:
Please don't forget to *renew your annual membership* before the AGM so
that you can participate in the vote for the new board. To renew your
membership you just need to make a donation
<http://wikimedia.org.za/wiki/Donate> of any amount to the chapter and send
proof of payment to Shupai Mchuchu <shupai(a)wikimedia.org.za>.
Douglas Ian Scott
Skype: douglas0scott
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 8727
Hello Everyone,
This email serves as a quick reminder of our upcoming meetup for the South
African community that will be happening on Saturday 27 August 2022. Below
are the details for joining the 21st online South African community meetup.
If you have any questions about Wikipedia, the community, what is going on
generally, or you just want to hang out you are welcome to join and
*Date: Saturday, 27 August 2022*
*Start time:10:00 AM SAST*
*End Time: 12:00 PM SAST*
*Location: Online Meeting*
We will still be using our new Discord channel as our meeting location this
time (see link below). If that does not work for you then don't worry, you
can still join via Zulip at the link below for a more text-based experience.
Link to Join
For a more text-based experience.
Zulip <https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/login/>: Note registration is
Best regards,
Shupai Mchuchu
Chapter Administrator
Wikimedia South Africa NPC.
6 Spin Street, Cape Town, South Africa
Office +27 (021) 565 0143
Reg. No. 2012/038827/08
Hello everyone,
This email serves as a confirmation of the actual date of our upcoming
south African meet-up
We will be hosting our upcoming meetup for the South African community that
will be happening on Saturday 27 August 2022. Below are the details for
joining the 21st online South African community meetup. If you have any
questions about Wikipedia, the community, what is going on generally, or
you just want to hang out you are welcome to join and participate.
Date: Saturday, 27 August 2022
Start time:10:00 AM SAST
End Time: 12:00 PM SAST
Location: Online Meeting
We will still be using our new Discord channel as our meeting location this
time (see link below). If that does not work for you then don't worry, you
can still join via Zulip at the link below for a more text-based experience.
Link to Join
For a more text-based experience.
Zulip <https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/login/>: Note registration is
* Wikimania 2022
* Restarting face-to-face meetings
* Wikimedia South Africa AGM on 1 October 2022
* Edit-your-pride editathon
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Edit_Your_Pride> on 8 October 2022
Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Best regards,
Shupai Mchuchu
Chapter Administrator
Wikimedia South Africa NPC.
6 Spin Street, Cape Town, South Africa
Office +27 (021) 565 0143
Reg. No. 2012/038827/08
Hello everyone,
We will be hosting our upcoming meetup for the South African community that
will be happening on Saturday 25 June 2022. Below are the details for
joining the 19th online South African community meetup. If you have any
questions about Wikipedia, the community, what is going on generally, or
you just want to hang out you are welcome to join and participate.
Date: Saturday, 27 August 2022
Start time:10:00 AM SAST
End Time: 12:00 PM SAST
Location: Online Meeting
We will still be using our new Discord channel as our meeting location this
time (see link below). If that does not work for you then don't worry, you
can still join via Zulip at the link below for a more text-based experience.
Link to Join
For a more text-based experience.
Zulip <https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/login/>: Note registration is
* Wikimania 2022
* Restarting face-to-face meetings
* Wikimedia South Africa AGM on 1 October 2022
* Edit-your-pride editathon
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Edit_Your_Pride> on 8 October 2022
Best regards,
Shupai Mchuchu
Chapter Administrator
Wikimedia South Africa NPC.
6 Spin Street, Cape Town, South Africa
Office +27 (021) 565 0143
Reg. No. 2012/038827/08
Hello Wikimedians of South Africa!
The Wiki Loves Monuments team is looking for an isiZulu speaker or expert
to translate their DEI report into isiZulu (there is a small budget
If anyone is interested, please contact Ciell on ciell.wikipedia(a)gmail.com
Thank you!!
*Isla Haddow-Flood*
Skype: Islahaddow | Twitter: havingaflood
Wikimedia <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Islahaddow> | LinkedIn
Hear my name <https://namedrop.io/islahaddowflood>
Hello everyone,
This is a final reminder of the Wikimania mini-event in Cape Town and
Johannesburg that will start tomorrow. The main, international, conference
already began today but the Cape Town mini-Wikimania will begin tomorrow
(Friday) at 16:00 with a reception at 18:00 and will end this Sunday. The
Johannesburg event will take place this Saturday.
The rest of this email is largely a repeat of the previous reminder email
with links and details reposted here for your convenience.
Attendees will be able to attend both the global digital Wikimania as
whilst at the Cape Town/Johannesburg mini-Wikimania. All that we ask is
that you bring your own device (tablet, phone, lap top) to attend the
digital international event on.
The event schedule for the digital *international Wikimania *is now out and
can be seen at the link on their website here:
You can register to attend the international Wikimania at the link here.
The details for the *South African mini-Wikimanias* are as follows and can
also be seen on the Wikimedia South Africa website here:
*Cape Town* event details:
- Venue - iNtaka Law Tech Lab
- Address - Main foyer, Kramer Law Building, Wilfred and Jules
Middle Campus of South Africa, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape
Town, 7700, South Africa
- Dates - 12 (Friday), 13 (Saturday) and 14 (Sunday) August 2022
- Times - 16:00 - 20:00 on Friday, 09:00 - 22:00 on Saturday, 10:00
- 21:00 on Sunday,
*Johannesburg* event details:
- Venue - The Flame Space, Constitution Hill
- Address - 11 Kotze Road, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
- Date - 13 August 2022
- Time - 09:00 - 16:00
Please note: for the *Cape Town reception* on Friday (18:00 - 20:00) you
will need to RSVP as we have limited space at the venue. You can RSVP for
the reception at the link here
A scholarship is available to help people attend the closest mini-event to
them in South Africa. If you are interested in applying then please fill
out the form at the link here:
A big "*thank you*" goes out to our event partners. The Cape Town event
would not be possible without the support of the iNtaka Law Tech Lab at the
University of Cape Town. The Johannesburg event would not be possible
without the support of the Constitution Hill museum.
Best regards,
Douglas Ian Scott
Skype: douglas0scott
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 8727
Hello everyone,
This is a reminder of the Wikimania mini-event in Cape Town and
Johannesburg that will take place this coming weekend. I will send out a
final reminder on Thursday this week.
Attendees will be able to attend both the global digital Wikimania as
whilst at the Cape Town/Johannesburg mini-Wikimania. All that we ask is
that you bring your own device (tablet, phone, lap top) to attend the
digital international event on.
The event schedule for the digital *international Wikimania* is now out and
can be seen at the link on their website here:
You can register to attend the international Wikimania at the link here
The details for the *South African mini-Wikimanias* are as follows and can
also be seen on the Wikimedia South Africa website here:
*Cape Town *event details:
- *Venue* - iNtaka Law Tech Lab
- *Address* - Main foyer, Kramer Law Building, Wilfred and Jules Middle
Campus of South Africa, University of Cape Town, Rondebosch, Cape Town,
7700, South Africa
- *Dates* - 12 (Friday), 13 (Saturday) and 14 (Sunday) August 2022
- *Times* - 16:00 - 20:00 on Friday, 09:00 - 22:00 on Saturday, 10:00 -
21:00 on Sunday,
*Johannesburg* event details:
- *Venue* - The Flame Space, Constitution Hill
- *Address* - 11 Kotze Road, Braamfontein, Johannesburg
- *Date* - 13 August 2022
- *Time* - 09:00 - 16:00
*Please note:* for the *Cape Town reception* on Friday (18:00 - 20:00) you
will need to RSVP as we have limited space at the venue. You can RSVP for
the reception at the link here
A *scholarship* is available to help people attend the closest mini-event
to them in South Africa. If you are interested in applying then please fill
out the form at the link here:
A big "*thank you*" goes out to our event partners. The Cape Town event
would not be possible without the support of the iNtaka Law Tech Lab
at the University of Cape Town. The Johannesburg event would not be
possible without the support of the Constitution Hill
<https://www.constitutionhill.org.za/> museum.
Best regards,
Douglas Ian Scott
Skype: douglas0scott
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 8727
Hello everyone,
This is just a reminder of the upcoming Wikimania event that we will be
hosting in Cape Town and Johannesburg next week. You can check out the
South Africa Wikimania schedule at the link here
<http://wikimedia.org.za/wiki/Template:/Wikimania_2022>. Here are the
details and current schedule:
- *International event: *will be held digitally from 11 -14 August. You
will be able to attend this event at the Cape Town and Johannesburg events
as well. You can learn more about it at the Wikimania website
<https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Program>. Please remember to
register <https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Registration> on the
international Wikimania event page to attend that event.
- *Cape Town:* will take place at the iNtaka Law Tech Lab
the Krama Law Building, University of Cape Town. If you want to attend the
international Wikimania then please bring a laptop or other device to
attend it from; we will have a quiet room where people can attend the
digital event. Food and drink will be available at all hours while we are
open. People are free to come and go as and when they please.
- *12 August (Friday) *we will be open from 16:00 to 20:00. From 18:00
to 20:00 we will have a finger foods and drinks reception. Anyone with an
interest in Wikipedia or the free knowledge movement is welcome.
- *13 August (Saturday)* we will be open from 09:00 to 22:00. During
that time we will be hosting a roundtable discussion on copyright (from
12:45 to 13:35) and an edit-a-thon from 14:00 to 19:00. We will have full
catering throughout the day. We will be syncing with the Johannesburg event
as much as possible for shared video presentations and networking.
- *14 August (Sunday)* is expected to be slightly quieter but we will be
open from 10:00 to 20:00
- *Johannesburg*: will take place at the Constitutional Hill at 11 Kotze
Road, Braamfontein. The Johannesburg event will be open for *Saturday,
August 13* only. It will be open from 09:00 to 17:00.
A very special word of thank you goes out to our event partners for making
this event happen. The iNtaka Law Tech Lab at the University of Cape Town
for giving us our Cape Town venue and the museum at Constitution Hill for
our Johannesburg venue.
Best regards,
Douglas Ian Scott
Skype: douglas0scott
South African mobile number: +27 (0)79 515 8727
Hello everyone,
Wikimania 2022 <https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania>, the annual
international Wikipedia conference, is in two now and it will be taking
place on 11 - 14 August.
Although the main Wikimania event this year will be held entirely digitally
the event organisers are encouraging the hosting of very local
mini-Wikimania events around the world during the conference. This will
allow participants to both attend the international Wikimania event
digitally whilst also meeting with people face-to-face in their area.
Wikimedia South Africa will be hosting a mini-Wikimania in Cape Town and
Cape Town Venue: Intaka Law Tech Lab
Kramer Law School
Middle Campus
1 Stanley Road Rondebosch
Friday 12 August: 18:00 to 20:00 pm
Saturday 13 August 09:00 am to 22:00 pm
Sunday 14 August 09:00 am to 21:00 pm
Johannesburg: Constitutional Hill
11 Kotze Road Braamfontein Johannesburg
13 August 09:00 to 17:00 pm
If you are interested in joining us at either the Cape Town or Johannesburg
event then please let us know by filling out this form:
Catering will be provided and a few local events are being prepared. This
will be a great opportunity to meet other members of the Wiki community so
please feel free to join us and share with others that you feel might also
be interested.
You can also check this page on our website
<http://wikimedia.org.za/wiki/Template:/Wikimania_2022> for more details.
Shupai Mchuchu
Chapter Administrator
Wikimedia South Africa NPC.
6 Spin Street, Cape Town, South Africa
Office +27 (021) 565 0143
Reg. No. 2012/038827/08