I know Abbas from Kenya put forth a GLAM grant {1} to WMF that was turned down, Perhaps this will fit him well if he is still interested. I have added him to the thread
[1] : http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants_talk:Abbas_Mahmood/Wikipedian_in_Resid...
On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 9:10 AM, thuvack thuvack@gmail.com wrote:
This sounds like its suitable for Oarabile Mudongo from Botswana. Only problem is that he is a full time student, unless he can make an arrangement with his university and family for the required three months in Cape Town.
You can contact him on mudongo.oarabile@yahoo.com
Good luck Dumi
Sent from Samsung Mobile
-------- Original message -------- From: Isla Haddow-Flood islahf@africacentre.net Date: To: Cristina Perillo perillocristina@gmail.com,Florence Devouard < anthere@anthere.org>,Adrienne Alix adrienne.alix@wikimedia.fr,Oarabile Mudongo mudongo.oarabile@gmail.com,davidrichfield@gmail.com, thuvack@gmail.com,Kosgei Isaac kipchogekosgei@gmail.com,Francis Awinda < fawinda@africom.museum>,Guillaume Goursat < Guillaume.Goursat@centraliens-nantes.net>,Limoke Oscar oslimoke@gmail.com,Douglas Scott douglas.i.scott@gmail.com,Oral Ofori oralofori@gmail.com,Luca Martinelli martinelliluca@gmail.com,renaud gaudin rgaudin@gmail.com,Dror Kamir dqamir@bezeqint.net,Nkansah Rexford nkansahrexford@gmail.com,CA carolann.gleason@gmail.com,doualart doualart@doualart.org,Lori Phillips lori.byrd.phillips@gmail.com,Sarah Stierch < sarah.stierch@gmail.com>,Asaf Bartov abartov@wikimedia.org,Sandister Tei sandister@sandistertei.com,Barbara Fischer < barbara.fischer@wikimedia.de>,maarten deneckere < maartendeneckere@gmail.com>,"BadilishaPoetry.com" lindak@africacentre.net,siona o'connell sionaoc@gmail.com,Emma Harvey emmanence@gmail.com,Belisa Rodrigues belisa@arterialnetwork.org,Mimi Loraine Ng'ok < mimiloraine@yahoo.com>,Primah Kwagala kwagalap@gmail.com,Anasuya Sengupta asengupta@wikimedia.org,Blessing Chataira blessing@itoca.org, rock.drum@hotmail.co.uk Cc: Iolanda Pensa iolanda@pensa.it,Emmanuel Engelhart < emmanuel.engelhart@wikimedia.ch>,kelsey wiens kelseywiens@gmail.com,Alex Gakuru gakuru@creativecommons.org,Tobias Schonwetter < tobias@creativecommons.org>,Jessica Coates jessica@creativecommons.org,WikimediaZA List wikimediaza@lists.wikimedia.org,Ian Gilfillan < wikimediaza@greenman.co.za>,Wikimedia Chapters cultural partners coordination - closed list cultural-partners@wikimedia.ch,Siko Bouterse sbouterse@wikimedia.org,Victor Grigas vgrigas@wikimedia.org,Blaise Murphet communication@jesuithakimani.org,Grant McNulty < grant.mcnulty@gmail.com>,Naeema Zarif zarifzen@gmail.com Subject: Call for 2 Wikipedians from Africa for Africa
Dear Wikipedians and fellow Open advocates
Hope you are all well? Please could you spread this call among your networks to Africa-based Wikipedians far and wide.
WikiAfrica at the Africa Centre wishes to employ two wikipedians. These wikipedians will have two tasks – activating and assisting GLAM organisations in their country, and encouraging, supporting and training new wikipedians in their home country. Obviously spreading the word about and getting by in for Creative Commons is key to this position. Please see the link below for more details.
Warmest regards Isla : : Isla Haddow-Flood Marketing and Communications Manager Project Manager : WikiAfrica www.wikiafrica.org Wikimedia username: Islahaddow
*a.* 5th Floor, 28 St George’s Mall, Cape Town *w.** * www.africacentre.net *t.* +27 21 418 3336 *f. *+27 21 418 5385 *skype. *islahaddow
The Africa Centre is a non-profit social innovator that provides a platform for exploring contemporary Pan-African cultural practice and knowledge creation as catalysts for social change.