The workshop for Xhosa language academics that I have been talking about will be taking place this Saturday, 11th February and will run from 9am to 11am.
The venue is the Bessie Head Computer Lab in the basement of the Beattie Building. The Beattie Building is adjacent to the Arts Block. Prof Nyamende has told everybody and many people have indicated that they are coming. I am told that the Lab is big enough to accommodate everyone. The time is still 09h00 to 11h00. Please let me know if you can or are interested in joining or helping out as it would be nice to have some extra Wikipedians around. I will email some pictures of the workshop afterwards.
Hi Douglas
Thanks for organising this, and for the UWC workshop last week. As discussed I will be happy to help out with a short intro at the beginning, and then general editing assistance for the rest of the session.