Hello everyone,
The City of Cape Town is hosting a hackerthon for tourism. I thought this might be of interest to the Wikivoyage editors out there. See below for details.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Open Data Open.Data@capetown.gov.za Date: 11 October 2017 at 14:44 Subject: Join our Tourism Hackathon: Make Cape Town even more awesome for visitors! To:
Could Cape Town be more awesome?
Did you know that more than 70% of people visiting Cape Town visit the same ten tourist sites? We know there's more to the City, but can we help people find new things to do and new places to see?
Together with the City of Cape Town, CiTi will host a hackathon from 27 – 29 October 2017 at the Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn. The City's Open Data Hackathon will challenge teams to solve real problems faced by Cape Town's tourism industry.
*Join us!* http://citi.us4.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=7b7cd928a214afb6a0a55544a&id=70cdd8b8a3&e=cd8f4e24fb
Using a range of data available on the City of Cape Town's Open Data Portal http://citi.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7b7cd928a214afb6a0a55544a&id=465b4c7749&e=cd8f4e24fb as well as provided specifically for this event, teams will grapple with the brief: *“Design a digital product that improves the discoverability of unique experiences for tourists in Cape Town.”*
These days, most tourists are planning their own itineraries using online tools. We can attract more people to different parts of Cape Town and support more small business and "last mile" providers by making information easier for digital travellers to find.
If you have tech and data skills, design skills, or just a passion for the tourism industry, we want you! Join us for a weekend of smart people, fun-fuelled problem-solving, and fantastic spot prizes.
*Sign up on* Quicket http://citi.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=7b7cd928a214afb6a0a55544a&id=fa3f33cb4d&e=cd8f4e24fb .
*There will be transport available between Woodstock Bandwidth Barn and Khayelitsha Bandwidth Barn – please indicate whether you require transport in the sign-up form.*
*Copyright © 2017 Bandwidth Barn, All rights reserved.* You are receiving this as a friend of CiTi, The Bandwidth Barn and CapaCiTi and have opted in.
*Our mailing address is:*
Bandwidth Barn
Woodstock Exchange, 3rd Floor, Block B
66 Albert Road, Woodstock https://maps.google.com/?q=66+Albert+Road,+Woodstock%0D+%0D+Cape+Town,%0D+Western+Cape+7925+%0D+%0D+%0D+South+Africa&entry=gmail&source=g
Cape Town, Western Cape https://maps.google.com/?q=66+Albert+Road,+Woodstock%0D+%0D+Cape+Town,%0D+Western+Cape+7925+%0D+%0D+%0D+South+Africa&entry=gmail&source=g 7925 https://maps.google.com/?q=66+Albert+Road,+Woodstock%0D+%0D+Cape+Town,%0D+Western+Cape+7925+%0D+%0D+%0D+South+Africa&entry=gmail&source=g
Add us to your address book http://citi.us4.list-manage.com/vcard?u=7b7cd928a214afb6a0a55544a&id=ff6d3057c7
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