Following on from Kerryn's post, *please help*!
Things that need to be done by folks who signed up to handle chapter formation:
- Respond to comments posted on meta (regarding chapter rules) - Finalise a list of founding members and directors of Wikimedia SA - Finalise chapter rules and submit them to the chapters committee - Follow up with the chapters committee until the chapter is approved
If some of you can individually sign up on these tasks and get going, we'll have a chapter soon.
Cheers, Achal
Hi all,
After my initial enthusiasm, I've been very silent for a while, and I'd like to give an explanation:
1) Work has been a bit rough lately, with very few days where I got home before 19:00. This should normalize soon.
2) My wife is expanding her business, and I'm working evenings and weekends with her. This could go on for a month or two.
I hope to be able to put more effort into Wikimedia ZA soon, but please don't count on me for anything in the next few weeks. If I have any time, I'll give my input on the meta pages, but if you don't hear from me for a while, please assume that I'm still alive but currently useless.