Hello everyone,
This is just a quick and final reminder about the Wikimania scholarships. If you are considering going to Wikimania (the annual international Wikipedia conference) or would like to go then please consider applying. You still have 48 hours to apply and the process is much easier and more direct than in the past. The deadline is Sunday, 5 February 2023
To apply please click on the link below:
Wikimedia South Africa will be using the applications from this process to award our own chapter scholarships for Wikimania 2023 so if you plan to get one through the chapter then please apply here as well.
Douglas Scott
Wikimedia South Africa Website: wikimedia.org.za
Phone: (+27) 079 515 8727
A non-profit membership organisation
Discord https://discord.gg/HwBwHWWurr | Zulip https://wikimediaza.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/147876-Main-Chat | Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WikimediaZA | Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wikimedia_za/