My log page is attached below...The error message does not help me,
maybe someone have seen it before.
Any help is appreciated.
MediaWiki 1.3.11 installation
Please include all of the lines below when reporting installation
Checking environment...
* PHP 4.3.10RC1: ok
* PHP server API is apache2handler; ok, using pretty URLs
* Have XML / Latin1-UTF-8 conversion support.
* PHP is configured with no memory_limit.
* No zlib support.
* Couldn't find GD library or ImageMagick; image thumbnailing
* Installation directory: /cad/local/Linux/apache2/htdocs/wiki
* Script URI path: /wiki
* Connected as root (automatic)
* Connected to database... 4.1.10; enabling MySQL 4 enhancements
* Database wikidb exists
* There are already MediaWiki tables in this database. Checking if
updates are needed...
...ipblocks is up to date.
...already have interwiki table
...indexes seem up to 20031107 standards
...have linkscc table.
...linkscc is up to date, or does not exist. Good.
...have hitcounter table.
Converting links table to ID-ID...
Sorry! The wiki is experiencing some technical difficulties, and cannot
contact the database server.