i am new to the list and wonder if i can ask some PHP question here:
if i fail the meaning of this list pls just ignore. thanks for answer anyhow ;)
NEWSLETTER : i couldnt find a function like this in mediawiki and did
not find an extension, too. during searching for extentions i decided
to write a simple extension to mail a newsletter to registered
users (only some dozend) but failed as i am not so trained with php
must mention that the newsletter function already worked fine
when i separated the newslettersend-module and used the (a little
modified)original emailform of specialpages to try it. but i wanted
a special entry in specialpages as NEWSLETTER and now mixed something up.
--the mailform appears but when i "submit" it complains class double-defined
and i cant find out where
--i also want to separate the db-connection as this seems to be a little unsecure ;)
best regards Arno
# to use : include this file from your LocalSettings.php like this
# include("extensions/newsletter.php");
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "wfnewsletter";
# This extension acts as a special page
require_once( 'includes/SpecialPage.php' );
function wfnewsletter() { //START EXTENSION FUNC
class NewsLetter extends SpecialPage {
function NewsLetter() {
function execute( $par ) {
global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgRequest;
$nt = Title::newFromURL( "newFromURL");
$nu = User::newFromName( "newFromName");
$id = $nu->idForName();
$f = showForm($target);
if ( "success" == $action ) { $f->showSuccess(); }
else if ( "submit" == $action && $wgRequest->wasPosted() ) { $f->doSubmit(); }
else { $f->showForm( "" ); }
} // end execute function
} // end Newsletter class
global $wgMessageCache;
SpecialPage::addPage( new NewsLetter );
$wgMessageCache->addMessage( "newsletter", "NEWSLETTER" );
function EmailUserForm( $addr, $target ) {
global $wgRequest;
$this->mAddress = $addr;
$this->target = "NEWSLETTER";
$this->text = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpText' );
$this->subject = $wgRequest->getText( 'wpSubject' );
}//end function EmailUserForm
function showForm( $err ){
global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang;
$wgOut->setPagetitle("newsletter to all registered users");
if ( $this->subject === "" ) {
$this->subject = "[..........yourwikiname.....-newsletter] no. ";
$emf = "sender";
$sender = $wgUser->getName();
$emr = "re";
$emm = "message";
$ems = "send";
$encSubject = htmlspecialchars( $this->subject );
$titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, "Emailuser" );
$action = $titleObj->escapeLocalURL( "target={$this->target}&action=submit" );
if ( "" != $err ) {
$wgOut->setSubtitle( wfMsg( "formerror" ) );
$wgOut->addHTML( "<p><font color='red' size='+1'>{$err}</font>\n" );
$wgOut->addHTML( "<p>
<form id=\"emailuser\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$action}\">
<table border=0><tr>
<td align=right>{$emf}:</td>
<td align=left><strong>{$sender}</strong></td>
<td align=right>{$emt}:</td>
<td align=left><strong>{$rcpt}</strong></td>
<td align=right>{$emr}:</td>
<td align=left>
<input type=text name=\"wpSubject\" value=\"{$encSubject}\">
<td align=right>{$emm}:</td>
<td align=left>
<textarea name=\"wpText\" rows=10 cols=60 wrap=virtual>" . htmlspecialchars( $this->text ) .
<td> </td><td align=left>
<input type=submit name=\"wpSend\" value=\"{$ems}\">
</form>\n" );
}//end function showForm
function doSubmit(){
global $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLang, $wgOutputEncoding;
$from = wfQuotedPrintable( $wgUser->getName() ) . " <" . $wgUser->getEmail() . ">";
$mailResult = newslettersend( $this->mAddress, $from, wfQuotedPrintable( $this->subject ), $this->text );
if (! $mailResult)
$titleObj = Title::makeTitle( NS_SPECIAL, "Emailuser" );
$encTarget = wfUrlencode( $this->target );
$wgOut->redirect( $titleObj->getFullURL( "target={$encTarget}&action=success" ) );
$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( "usermailererror" ) . $mailResult);
}// end function doSubmit()
function showSuccess() {
global $wgOut, $wgUser;
$wgOut->setPagetitle( wfMsg( "emailsent" ) );
$wgOut->addHTML( wfMsg( "emailsenttext" ) );
$wgOut->returnToMain( false );
}//end function showSuccess()
function newslettersend( $to, $from, $subject, $body ){
global $wgUser, $wgSMTP, $wgOutputEncoding, $wgErrorString;
$qto = wfQuotedPrintable( $to );
$headers =
"MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" .
"Content-type: text/plain; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}\r\n" .
"Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit\r\n" .
//"From: {$from}\r\n" .
"From: ..............yourname...........";
"X-Mailer: ..........your newsletter";
$wgErrorString = "";
set_error_handler( "mailErrorHandler" );
$Config_host = "localhost";
$ConfigDBname = "...............your db";
$Config_user = "...............dbuser";
$Config_password = "...............password";
//connect to SQL
$db = mysql_connect($Config_host, $Config_user,$Config_password) or die ("no connection possible");
//select database
mysql_select_db($ConfigDBname, $db) or die ("connection to DB failed");
// define query
$z = 0;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user";
// execute query
$result = mysql_query($sql);
while($arr = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
$name = $arr['user_real_name'];
$username = $arr['user_name'];
$email = $arr['user_email'];
mail( "......try with your own email-adress first.....",$subject, $body, $headers );
return $wgErrorString;
//close query
//close sql-connection
}//end function newsletter
function mailErrorHandler( $code, $string ) {
global $wgErrorString;
$wgErrorString = preg_replace( "/^mail\(\): /", "", $string );
}//end function mailErrorHandler
} # End of extension function