Tue, 07 May 2013 08:14:47 -0400 From: Mark A. Hershberger
Did you restart apache after editing php.ini?
No. I even do not know how to restart apache.
Tue, 07 May 2013 08:27:59 -0400
Why are you trying to create wikipages that are so large?
Because you have created the good and powerful instrument, and I have plans to use this tool far away from the usual area of the application. (One of the "crazy ideas" is to make the artificial intellect from the mediawiki, Mathematica, and the google search engine, with minimal connectors in PHP and C++. The poorly optimized programs in Mathematica often create the large notebooks. Yet, I do not need them, but I need to know the limits of the abilities of the software I use.)
Tue, 07 May 2013 08:38:38 -0400
.. http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/h/index.php/MediaWiki:Longpageerror
The ErrorMessage says: Error: The text you have submitted is 1kilobyteslong,whichislongerthanthemaximumof2 kilobytes. It cannot be saved.
It looks strange: why 1K is declared to be longer than 2K ? This would be good for the novel by George Orwell, but not for science.
..(see: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:$wgMaxArticleSize).
Good! At the bottom of LocalSettings.php, I have added line $wgMaxArticleSize = 8388608; then, I already have saved the test article longer than 2M. This seems to be the key I was looking for. Thank you very much! (In few days I'll check, how robust and stable is it.)
Before increasing the size, though, you should think about how many wiki pages you anticipate being that long.
At the testing, only few pages. If I advance writing bots, some millions; perhaps, they will not be for the reading by humans. Yet, it is a little bit SciFi, but few 8 years ago, superfunctions were also SciFi.