Hello all, (For further potential necessity, I am writing here in English)
I have no idea how this thread was started here; requesting for deletion a certain description from history (it is a GFDL violation as is according to our accepted wisdom on the project) _publicly_ due to erase (hence aim to hide) a sort of identification info submitted by the person him- or herself (so regarding WMF privacy policy there is no reason for the Foundation to delete the submission in question AFAIK). Well, frankly it is likely at least for me to cry out at the corner "I am afraid if someone dig so-and-so place and consequently finds my treasure"...
Perhaps it is my personal case; I have no clear idea what the problem is and what (has) happened; if the community (jawiki?) has already discussed this matter, if deletion is their general consensus, why it is being discussed on wikija-l, not other contacts like info-ja, a certain queue on OTRS, mediazilla, #wikimedia-tech, blah blah blah... (I have no idea if they a/o one of them are suitable to deal with this matter)
Though here is a mailinglist, not my blog, but my humble impression is, "if this thread were on otrs info-** queue, I would have left it because I would feel myself an unqualified person who could have dealt with ..."
Good luck,
On 2/20/06, sylphie sylphie_wikipedia@yahoo.co.jp wrote:
hiro kuroda氏、あなたは自身がおかれている立場を まったくまったくまったくまったく理解されていない ようですね。nnhさんに対する発言でその点がよく わかりました。 あなたは「さっさと返信しろ!」と言える立場ですか? あなたはnnhさんが24時間365日Wikipediaに張り付いて いなければならないとでも思っているのですか?
sylphie sylphie_wikipedia@yahoo.co.jp
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