Can anybody help with some fresh ideas on how to get mediawiki to authenticate users against a windows 2003 AD using the LdapAuthentication.php patch?
* AD is single domain, "home.local" * Has only one ou=wiki * OU contains a test user with uid=test1
The following debug messages with $wgLDAPDebug = 3 are generated and all attempts/combinations fail to bind during a straight bind or a proxy bind
Entering validDomain<br>
User is using a valid domain<br>
Entering getCanonicalName<br>
Munged username: Administrator<br>
Entering userExists<br>
Entering Connect<br>
Entering Connect<br>
Using servers: ldap://Home.Local<br>
Connected successfully<br>
Entering getSearchString<br>
Doing a straight bind<br>
userdn is: Home\Administrator<br>
Binding as the user<br>
Failed to bind as Home\Administrator<br>
Also fails to bind with the following proxy agent settings:
#$wgLDAPProxyAgent = "cn=Tester1, dc=Home,dc=Local";
#$wgLDAPProxyAgentPassword = "password"; //You should also be able to use a hash!
I have tried the following search strings and search attributes settings (without the #) as well as a proxy agent setting
* $wgLDAPSearchStrings = array("Home"=>"uid=USER-NAME,CN=Users,dc=Home,dc=Local" ); * $wgLDAPSearchAttributes = array( "Home"=>"sAMAccountName" ); * $wgLDAPSearchAttributes = array( "Home"=>"uid" ); * $wgLDAPSearchStrings = array( "Home"=>"Home\USER-NAME" );
I have proved that PHP can connect to the Ad via LDAP using a PHP script I found to test the connection.
Can anybody assist with what I'm missing here and apply a fresh pair of eyes to this problem?
Entering validDomain<br>
User is using a valid domain<br>
Entering getCanonicalName<br>
Munged username: Administrator<br>
Entering userExists<br>
Entering Connect<br>
Entering Connect<br>
Using servers: ldap://Home.Local<br>
Connected successfully<br>
Entering getSearchString<br>
Doing a straight bind<br>
userdn is: Home\Administrator<br>
Binding as the user<br>
Failed to bind as Home\Administrator<br>
Set debug to 4 instead of 3, and if you send the info back, make sure you snip anything sensitive out...
Can anybody assist with what I'm missing here and apply a fresh pair
eyes to this problem?
Looks like you got past the blank page problem, so I'll ignore that email.
Are you using SSL/TLS? What do your AD logs show? Is the user failing to bind, or is the bind failing because the SSL connection is failing? If AD doesn't show a bind failure, it is likely that it is the SSL connection failing (as AD doesn't log very much). This is pretty common when using AD. Does your AD even have an SSL cert in place? AD doesn't use SSL by default, only Kerberos.
For more info on setting up SSL with AD read this section and its links: SSL_certificates
Are you using IIS or apache?
By the way, the way you had the configuration set up in your first email should work fine.
Ryan Lane