From: Rowan Collins [] Well, why not just copy and paste the resulting HTML? It's not really dynamic content, you know, it's just a bunch of bulleted lists with links in them.
On 20/09/05, Bass, Joshua L wrote:
I guess that will work for now. I just didn't want to change the skin when I add links to Mediawiki:Sidebar.
Hmm, I see what you mean, but I shouldn't think you'll need to edit that *all* that often. But if you really wanted, I guess you could try and copy the PHP functions which parse that (buildsidebar() in includes/Skin.php and the part of skins/MonoBook.php which uses the resulting array, as $this->data['sidebar']) and use them inside the skin of the forum, either grabbing from MediaWiki's database directly, or using "/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Sidebar&action=raw" somehow...