In order to test the MediaWiki version 1.21 I still try to install MySQL. Perhaps, I repeat some error again and again, but I cannot catch it..
While I filled the quiz at W3Schools SQL Quiz Result: 20 of 20 // 100% Perfect!!! Time Spent 4:40.
Of course, I still cannot execute any example from the quiz, the sytem cannot find MySQL!
I think, the questions of the quiz should be reformulated. I suggest the following questions for the quiz:
1. How many different sites pretend to distribute MySQL? Possible answers: (from 1 to 3, from 4 to 10, from 11 to 100)
2. How many different sites distribute workable versions of MySQL? Possible answers: (1, 2, more than 2)
3. How many keys and bottoms should one press in order to get the workable version of MySQL? Possible answers: (from 5 to 10, from 11 to 100, from 1001 to 10000)
4. How many of them can be found in the documentation? Possible answers: (from 2 to 5, from 6 to 10, from 11 to 10000)
5. Where does MySQL load the databases by defailt? Possible answers: ( /mysql/data , /usr/mysqldata, directory with randomly choosen name)
6. Where should these databases be stored in order to be usable by Mediawiki? ( /mysql/data , /usr/mediawiki/mysql, anywhere)
7. Where does the Mediawiki keep its database? ( /mediawiki/data , /usr/mediawiki/mysql/data, directory with random name)
8. Is it possible to access these databases directly from MySQL? (Yes, it is easy; Yes, but it is very difficuylt; No WAY!)
9. Is it necessary to learn MySQL in order to install a workable version of Mediawiki? (Yes, one shouild take one year course of MySQL before to have any hopes for the successful installation; No, one can do it within few days, within less than a hundred of attempts)
10. What for does Xcode load so many files related to MySQL? (At the good skills of Xcode and MySQL, these files still can be used; This is simulation of ubdate with respect to the previous version) ==========