Do you mean redirecting it?
Enviado de meu iPhone
Em 28/09/2010, às 10:06, Nikola Stankovic escreveu:
Hi together,
I've got a problem with creating new categories or articles. The problem is, if I would create a new article called "My Name" the wiki would create one which is called "My name" but I don't would that so. How can I change that, so that my categories or articles are called like I write it.
Thanks for help. Nikola Stanković
WigaSoft AG Nikola Stanković Informatik Lehrling Hechtackerstrasse 12 CH-9014 St. Gallen
Telefon +41 71 274 51 31 Telefax +41 71 274 51 49 Hotline +41 71 274 51 33 www.wigasoft.ch
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