Ikke Snoeckx wrote:
Hello all
I'd like to customise some of my Wiki pages, alas, I don't know how (am not much of a PHP expert)...
- I have this little error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function text() in C:\Server\htdocs\wiki\skins\MonoBook.php on line 61
How to solve this?
Where do you see this error? Generally, it should not happen. Which versions of PHP and MediaWiki do you use?
- How can I change the "Main_Page" to something else?
Edit the system message (like a regular page) MediaWiki:Mainpage.
Additionally, I have a bilingual wiki so I need two names for the Main_Page both accessible
In LocalSettings.php, add the following code: $wgForceUIMsgAsContentMsg = array( 'mainpage' ); Then, each user can define his language in Special:Preferences, and can access the main page for him.
- How to change the 'Talk:Article' to something different (i.e. like
they did with the translations of Wikipedia)
If you want to change it to something like "Discussion:Article" ? edit the variable $namespaceNames in MessagesEn.php if you use the latest trunk version, or $wgNamespaceNamesEn in Language.php if you use any other version, including 1.7.x.
- I have written a SSI-footer and header, however, I can't get them
into including them in my index.php (php require('foo.bar') function), how do I do this, or can't I?
What's the problem, and what do you want to do?
- Can I change 'index.php' to 'wiki.php' w/o any problems? (the reason
being, i'd like my wiki to be placed in my main directory, where my index.php already exists)
You can, and then you have to change $wgArticlePath and $wgScriptPath in LocalSettings.php.
- I've never been fond on the WikiFormatting ([[internal link]],
''italic text'', '''bold text''', etc), so I prefer using HTML in my Wiki, though, HTML is disabled by default... How can I enable all possible HTML and disable the WikiFormatting (don't argue or ask why)...
I don't think disabling the wikitext is currently possible, but setting the following in LocalSettings.php: $wgRawHtml = true; will allow *all* the HTML, including scripts, etc., therefore it's very dangerous. By default, you can use only limited HTML.
I guess that was it for now... Thanks in advance
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#define KeyFingerPrint 4AFD 8579 A449 4267 BED9 38E5 6EF8 5B1F EBDE 7AC0