On 11/28/06, Frederik Dohr fdg001@gmx.net wrote:
I've concluded that designing a wiki is as much if not more complicated than designing a web page.
I'm afraid I'll have to agree there; I've realized that my initial hope that the wiki will be self-organizing from the start was actually quite naive....
Organizing a Wiki is a job for one or more persons who are enthousiastic about wiki and know something about the content and will actually once in a while go through the wiki to bring the order and organization to things. Once users see the new organization (and if it is one that works) they will bring in new documents to that structure.
In so far Wikipedia actually *is* a good example. But I agree that there are now so many organizational elements in the wikipedia that I can't find the one I need anymore. But that may be a side effect of having a 'general interest' wiki instead of a special interest wiki.