On Aug 1, 11:03 pm, Platonides Platoni...@gmail.com wrote:
kilucas wrote:
This seems to have worked - many thanks. My wiki is now in .../ mediawiki/ and short urls aliasing this to .../wiki/ work with the following exception.
The only oddity is that paths to images don't retain my short urls. If an article with path .../wiki/<article name> contains an image <imagename.jpg> then clicking on the image within the article takes me to .../wiki/File:<imagename.jpg> as I'd intuitively expected. But clicking on the image again here takes me to .../mediawki/images/ <imagename.jpg> where "mediawiki" now replaces the alis "wiki".
You are going to the actual file, so it sends you to the path in which it lives, which is on mediawiki/images/. Nothing wrong there. Don't confuse the image path with the path of an article with the same name as the image.
So, should I expect short urls to apply to my images now I've simplified my directory naming or do you think my implementation is behaving normally as regards image urls?
It's working right.
Many thanks for your help here. This is all in much better shape now! My next step is to see if I can understand how to run Platonides' script for moving my single images folder into hashed structures.
Which script are you refering? An old one from the list?
The one at http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual_talk:$wgHashedUploadDirectory. I presume that running the script itself just involves copying the code into a file but I need to contemplate the remaining instructions first.
If I have any queries I'll check for past posts and then post any new ones in a separate thread.
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